This article by two young scholars is a very good one, very provocative and persuasive. It lacks reference to other giants that have gone before, but stands as the best effort we have seen since WIRED did its own cover story on alternative and renewable energies in 2001, coming out the very week that Dick Cheney was meeting secretly with Enron and Exxon to discuss the elective war on Iraq. Also available from the lead author:
Online interactive version (link)
More detailed analysis (pdf)
E&ES article on ranking energy solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy security (link)
Report on matching hourly and peak demand by combining different renewables (pdf)
October 30, 2009 Presentation (pdf)
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Phi Beta Iota: We are often irritated by the young who represent their triumphant ideas as if arrived at by immaculate conception. No discussion of this topic is credible without reference to, at a minimum, Buckminster Fuller, Herman Daly, and Paul Hawken, among many others. Below are just three books among the many we have received pertaining to sustainable design, zero waste, and green to gold, and the most recent book to put all of this into proper perspective.
Review: Ecological Economics: Principles And Applications
Review: Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution
Review: The Resilient Earth–Science, Global Warming and the Future of Humanity