Here is some good news and some bad news. More jobs were created, but they are generally low level jobs, and 53 per cent of adult Americans still don't have jobs. We cannot have a prosperous democracy when over half the adults don't have secure full-time employment.
Only 47% of Adults Have Full-Time Job
MIKE FLYNN – Breitbart
Of the 144 million Americans employed last month, only 116 million were working full-time. Friday's report showed that 58.7% of the civilian adult population of 245 million was working last month. Only 47% of Americans, however, had a full-time job.
![Robert David STEELE Vivas](
ROBERT STEELE: The situation is actually much worse. The US Government does not count Americans who are eligible for work, want to work, but have given up looking (see for honest reporting). I have never in my lifetime seen as so-called “First World” country more badly managed, more irresponsibly insensitive to the truth of its situation, more oblivious to the looming riots over food, work, and justice, in that order. Most of the preconditions for revolution exist in the USA, and three of the largest are at tipping points: concentration of wealth, unemployment, and unemployment of young educated alpha males now facing the reality that they have been lied to their whole lives, the dream is not there for them. Lacking in the USA is a “precipitant.” In Nicaragua it was Somoza stealing all the aid sent after the earthquakes. In Tunesia it was the fruit seller. The US public appears to have been dumbed down and drugged up to an extraordinary degree, but mark my words, a precipitant is coming. It may not be my favorite, a soccer mom torching herself on the steps of capital hill while live posting to YouTube denouncing the dishonesty of the US Congress, but it will happen, and when it does, the USA will be the better for it.
PS: Note to White House — I can fix this. You know where to find me.
![Click on Image to Enlarge](
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2011 Thinking About Revolution in the USA and Elsewhere (Full Text Online for Google Translate)
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![Click on Image to Enlarge](
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Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Democracy Lost & Found
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