Overheard in the World Cafe:
Speaker A: My friend is creating a wide-area radio network for Afghanistan.
Speaker B: Afghanistan has no infrastructure — including radio stations. Although radio is popular, it is mostly shortwave, with a few local FM stations for the local Iman. And electricity for radio stations is spotty at best including in Kabul.
Speaker A: Well, I can build really cheap, “ultra” cheap, radio receivers.
Speaker B: As long as you are doing that, why not give them OpenBTS cell phones running on ambient energy, and include a radio app? Then get someone else — Google, Virgin Mobile, the Chinese or India — to focus on all-purpose cellular towers and tethered ballons?
Phi Beta Iota: For what the USA has spent on war in the past decade, we could have given every person on the planet a free cell phone and free access to the Internet (including education and radio) for life. War is profitable for the few; peace is profitable for everyone. It's time we got everyone to understand that and begin boycotting all banks, all corporations, that prefer war over peace for selfish reasons. From an Information Operations (IO) point of view, there is no better investment than to place a hand-held device with GPS tracking in the hands of every single individual.
See Also:
$250 Device Global Maps & Text Messages
2013 Robert Steele Foreword to NATO Book on Public Intelligence for Public Health
2013 Robert Steele — Alternative Command & Control and Four Transformation Forcing Concepts
Autonomous Internet [Open, Free, Distributed]
Def Dog: Cost-Price of Smart Phones Diving + AltC2 OpenBTS RECAP
Graphic: M4IS2 OpenBTS, Call Centers, Diasphora
Graphic: Ugly First Look at Hand-Held Device Value for Harvesting Monetizable Knowledge
Internet and Revolution–Three Insights
INTERVIEW: Open Everything – with Robert David STEELE Vivas UPDATED to Add Parts V and VI
John Maguire: YouTube (3:26) DIY Open Source Cell Phones & Mesh Telephony
John Robb: OpenBTS Village Base Station
Journal: Open Mobile, Open Spectrum, Open Web
Journal: Unlicensed Spectrum Open for Super Wi-Fi
Michael Bauwens: P2P Foundation Open Ontology
Mini-Me: Do-It-Yourself Cell Phones – A Tipping Point for Humanity
OpenBTS at Burning Man: Best Full Story
OpenBTS Egypt — Need to Flesh Out OpenBTS USA
OpenBTS GSM Simplified — Freeing Humanity
OpenMoko, OpenBTS, Free Your Phone & Humanity
Owl: $20 Table Storms the World — Four Million Back Ordered
Patrick Meier: 4G Humanitarian Technology Briefing (99 Slides with Words in Notes Format)
Range Networks: The ONLY OpenBTS Real Deal
Reference: Network Neutrality…Why Not…+ RECAP
Reference: OpenBTS Open Access Cellular Ham Hack
Reference: OpenMoko Mobile Open SW & HW
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