Tomi Lahren, Never Play Dead: How the Truth Makes You Unstoppable (HarperCollins, 2019)
6 Stars – Righteous Common Sense, From the Heart, Speaking to All of Us – Including Generation Z and All Women of All Ages Ready to Lead America Forward
Robert David STEELE Vivas
On an impulse, after reading and then writing rave reviews of George Will’s deep tome, The Conservative Sensibility, and Democrat Marianne Williamson’s A Politics of Love I was moved by forces unknown to buy this book, and I lucked out.
This is not an author who needs help from me to sell her book. As of the 4th of July the book stands at
#4 in Political Commentary & Opinion
#1 in Political Freedom (Books)
#2 in Civil Rights & Liberties (Books)
Holy Cow! Just by way of favorable contrast with the other two rock stars I selected for my celebration of America this week, here are the rankings for George Will’s book followed by those of Marianne Williamson’s book.
George Will, The Conservative Sensibility | Marianne Williams, A Politics of Love |
#6 in Political Commentary & Opinion | #12 in Church & State Religious Studies
#70 in Spiritual Self-Help (Books) |
This tells us a couple of things, bearing in mind that Tucker Carlson, for Ship of Fools, has the below rankings, contrasted with Jeanine Pirro for Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge.
Tucker Carlson, Ship of Fools | Jeanine Pirro, Radicals, Resistance and Revenge |
#33 in United States National Government
#24 in Political Conservatism & Liberalism #5 in Political Humor (Books) |
#41 in United States National Government |
First, it tells us that Tomi Lahren is easily the equal if not vastly more beloved by the heartland of America, than any of the other greats. Underestimate this person at your peril.
Second, while the above comparisons were totally unexpected for me, it validates my feeling when I put the book down, that Tomi Lahren, George Will, and Marianne Williamson are, together, a national tour that needs to happen, perhaps adding Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. They are above and beyond the two-party tyranny that has sold us out to the Deep State and its Zionist underbelly (as well as the Central Banks, Freemasons and Knights of Malta and other secret societies that undermine democracy with secrecy and treason each day).
Now here is my rave review completely uninfluenced by but certainly validated by, the above favorable comparisons.
Tomi Lahren is a cross-over talent, an independent critical thinker with both sass and grace. She is totally in step with First Lady Melania Trump on “be best” and she is, in contrast to the other authors that are erudite on one end and pundishly legalistic on the other, the common sense middle ground. As I read through this book, not only did it speak to me for my three sons, the third of whom is easily in Generation Z, but I could not help but feel that Tomi Lahren is the equivalent of “the Pope’s divisions” in reaching women across America who are repressed on both the left and the right – male assholeness (in this book Glenn Beck features throughout as the archtype) is non-partisan. If ever there was a time to denounce parties, elevate people, and put women instead of men in charge, this is that time.
Note: the book that persuaded me that women should be in charge is this one:
I almost broke a pen on this book with underlinings and notes throughout, notes that include class act, authentic and brilliant, strong message to young people on working hard and doing it right, and a superb criticism of “lawn parents’ (I regret to say I am in that group) who clear away obstacles for the children and hamper their learning harder lessons in so doing.
I have a long note to the effect that this book is a study in character – the character of the author and the character of the Republic – and I note with special interest that she demolishes the fake posturing feminist movement that is an infantile virtue signaling conglomeration of worthless shits, rather than righteous women with the right stuff. Virtue signaling bullshit is not unique to women – witness Colin Kaepernick killing the Nike shoe with the Betsy Ross flag – he is not the asshole, Nike “leaders” are the assholes. I am sick of all the crap that has been normalized – including pedophilia – by the posturing progressive left.
I have a note, this woman (Tomi Lahren) – this voice (Tomi Lahren) is the embodiment of frontier authenticity – live free or die, work hard or die, stand tall or die. If President Donald Trump does not see her at the “real woman” and bully pulpit voice that he needs to make his case for 2020, we are all lost. Tomi Lahren is our All-American Annie Oakley. She is a most wonderful complement to the First Lady and First Daughter.
She speaks to all of us – I was stunned to learn how common it is for outspoken conservatives to be spat upon and attacked across this country – and I was humbled in reflection that I have not been nearly as nice as I should have been to those lesser minds that have sought to attack me or question my intelligence, integrity, or imagination. Tomi Lahren is a role model for men, for women, and for the young.
She certainly speaks to Generation Z, which could be a game changing demographic in both 2020 and 2024 – they realize they have been screwed by worthless college degrees with attendant debt, a collapsed job market, and a two-party tyranny that has created a government seeking to both loot the public purse and make the public an infantile dependency.
My most important note in terms of her role and value: she speaks for the voiceless, not just law enforcement, but blue collar workers, farmers and ranchers, waitresses, single moms – I am somehow reminded of Barbara Ehrenriech’s Nickled and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, or John Bowe’s Nobodies–Modern American Slave Labor and the Dark Side of the New Global Economy. Let’s throw in Vaclav Havel’s The Power of the Powerless–Citizens Against the State in Central-Eastern Europe. Tomi Lahren is, as we used to say in Viet-Nam back in the day, 99 lbs of romping stomping Airborne hell, God help you if you stand in her way. Ahroogah!
Related to her role in speaking for the voiceless is her equally important role in showing all people who value the Constitution, the family, ethics, and hard work: you are not alone. I know there is a silent majority that wants to give our President a landslide re-election, but they are being diminished, repressed, even beaten and having acid thrown at them, by the overwhelmingly activist, ignorant, and ethically challenged left including Antifa and other similar groups funded by George Soros among others.
Finally, she sees over the horizon. She takes the long view. This is all about keeping the conservative movement alive after the President serves his two terms focusing on persistent ideals and values not one individual (although I would certainly support a Convention of States that among other things buries the 16th and 17th Amendments while ending Presidential term limits – see the link below).
Robert Steele: 15 Constitutional Amendments — Protect, Modify, Cancel — UPDATE 1
Here are a few quotes from throughout the book:
QUOTE (41): Conservativism is about freedom.
QUOTE (46): If your friends are not going to like you because of your political beliefs, ideology, or religion, or for being vocal about anything, then they’re not your friends.
QUOTE (81): Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.
QUOTE (88): If you suck at something, either find a new path or work at it until you’re the best.
QUOTE (127): Don’t apologize for the truth.
QUOTE (167): Life is about people. Somewhere along the way, we’ve lost sight of that.
QUOTE (176): It’s not where you go to school, and it’s not the bogus extracurriculars you sign up for to pad your application. It’s your work ethic and your ability to talk to people.
QUOTE (218): When you have done everything you can, give it to God (trust God’s plan).
There is only one shortfall in this book: I don’t think Tomi Lahren fully appreciates the pain of the veterans – all 22 million of us – with a suicide rate of 22 a day and alcoholism, adultery, and divorce rates that rival my CIA clandestine service rates. I want Tomi Lahren to take a page from Marianne Williamson and become a voice against permanent war as a profit center.
Review: They Were Soldiers – How the Wounded Return from America’s Wars: The Untold Story
Worth a Look: Book Reviews on War Complex—War as a Racket
There is a lot this wonderful author does not know about the reality of the Deep State and the Shadow Government – to include the who, why, and how of 9/11 – but I do believe that with time she will become one of most beloved and respected anchors for the truth on all topics.
40 Zionist Strikes (Zionism is Not Judaism)
I am smiling as I think about how to end this review. I do not know Tomi Lahren personally, but I hope I meet her one day. Every man of character wants every woman of character to be able to epitomize love and compassion but also be able to kick ass and stand by her family when needed. Tomi Lahren has threaded the needle – she has the character to love, and the spine to kick ass….against all enemies, domestic and foreign.
DOC (4 Pages): Review Never Play Dead 1.2
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