Admission of the failure of Intelligence, and yet nobody is asking why?
Does the CIA Even Know Who Its Drones Are Killing?
During the Bush era, the agency helped imprison scores of innocents. In the Obama era, it decides who to blow up.
The Atlantic, 7 November 2011
Then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld once said that the War on Terror detainees who made it to the prison at Guantanamo Bay were “the worst of the worst.” At the time, many Americans believed him. Hadn't the detainees been captured by the military or the CIA, or evaluated by experienced American interrogators before being transferred there? We now know that many of the 779 detainees who wound up at Gitmo were innocent.
“Of the 212 Afghans at the base, almost half were, in the assessments of the US forces, either entirely innocent, mere Taliban conscripts, or had been transferred to Guantánamo with no reason for doing so on file,” The Guardian reported earlier this year. Said the Telegraph, “Guantanamo Bay has been used to incarcerate dozens of terrorists who have admitted plotting terrifying attacks against the West — while imprisoning more than 150 totally innocent people, top-secret files disclose.”
President Obama doesn't send suspected terrorists to Guantanamo Bay. Instead, he kills them with drones.
Read full article, includes video.