CBS replaying National Review Online

Victor Davis Hanson
23 September 2009
If you are confused by the first nine months of the Obama administration, take solace that there is at least a pattern. The president, you see, thinks America is a university and that he is our campus president. Keep that in mind, and almost everything else makes sense.
Many of the former Professor Obama's problems so far hinge on his administration's inability to judge public opinion, its own self-righteous sense of self, its non-stop sermonizing, and its suspicion of sincere dissent. In other words, the United States is now a campus, we are the students, and Obama is our university president.

Phi Beta Iota: For decades we have been saying that given a choice between incompetence and conspiracy, always go with incompetence. In the 1990's we wrote, for the U.S. Institute of Peace, that the gap between those with power and those with knowledge had grown to cataclysmic proportions–what we did not realize at the time was that universities, at the leadership level, lack both knowledge and the gravitas to contribute to national solutions, at the same time that knowledge is so terribly fragmented as to be virtually incompetent (see Graphic below).

Obama has been “captured” by a toxic combination of Wall Steet money and Democratic partisn ideology. Any Administration that continues to focus on terrorism and proliferation while denying that governments and corporations wreak vastly more terror on tens of millions more than any sub-state group, is out of touch with reality.
Obama could be the George Washington of this century ONLY if he f inds the strength of character to embrace the 70% that did not vote for him; embrace the Middle Class and Blue Collar Class, and stop being a majordomo for ideological and financial forces that have absolutely zero interest in acting on behalf of We the People.