COVER STORY: The Cyberwar Plan It's not just a defensive game; cyber-security includes attack plans too, and the U.S. has already used some of them successfully.
by Shane Harris Saturday, Nov. 14, 2009

14 tech firms form cybersecurity alliance for government Lockheed Martin, top suppliers launch initiative for government market
By Wyatt Kash Nov 12, 2009
Phi Beta Iota: It is a scam, big time. The U.S. does not have–outside of our small number of colleagues in Hackers on Planet Earth and the Silicon Valley Hackers/THINK Conference–the brainpower and cummulative skills to fill the Potemkin Center, much less staff a capability with global reach.
A few exception not-withstanding (anyone can knock down a site or be anonymous–being invisible and having an undetected impact are completely different matters), this is a massive scam. Most of the $12 billion will be wasted, and the Center appears to be a lowest-comon-denominator mutual-protection society. The answer: Free/Open Source Software (F-OSS) across the board. If HP were serioius abouit giving the big boys a run for their money, this is where Mark Hurd would be going, but he is surrounded by too many sychophants afraid of what they will never understand.
In 1994 we pointed out that when Israeli's catch a hacker, they gave them a job, which the US response was to kick them in the teeth and put them in jail. Beltway bandit frauds are not hackers and never will be. Hackers are born self-made innovators and iconoclasts and apart from the fact that our educational system has been dumbing us down for fifty years and making mathematics an odious endeavor for most, the FACT is that all those in the Center are coming off fifty years of software “engineering” defined by government specifications cost contracting, which is stay, dumb and dumber.
FURTHERMORE, the idiocy of spending all this money on attack before first mandating and accelerating the removal of all our SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems for controlling everything from financial transactions to the movement of fuels, water, electricity, simply boggles the mind. There are two internal threats to the USA vastly more dangerous than anything outside the USA: Goldman Sachs and the Federal Reserve as an out-of-control cabal of thieves; and the military-intelligence-industrial complex that loots legally while giving back to the taxpayer zero return on investment–these people are making the world MORE dangerous, not less.
We should be concentrating on information-sharing and multicultural sense-making, on connecting and empowering the five billion poor–all this other stuff is mis-directed, mis-managed, and not in the public interest.
Below are a few of the books we recommend to appreciate the fact that hackers are like astronauts pushing the edge of the envelope, full of the right stuff.
1998 Talking Points on Hackers
Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Eras
Graphic: OSINT Global Pyramid from OSIS-X to Intelink-X
Journal: Information Security Seven Guiding Principles
Journal: Strategy versus Secrecy
Review: Hackers–Heroes of the Computer Revolution
Review: The Second Self–Computers and the Human Spirit
The Best of 2600: A Hacker Odyssey
Review: The Hacker Crackdown–Law And Disorder On The Electronic Frontier
Stealing the Network: How to Own a Continent
Review: Cyberwar–Security, Strategy, and Conflict in the Information Age
Review: Cyberwar 2.0–Myths, Mysteries & Reality
Reference: Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report on Information Operations (IO), Electronic Warfare (EW), and Cyberwar: Capabilities and Related Policy Issues
Review: The Future of the Internet–And How to Stop It
The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America
Review: The Next Catastrophe–Reducing Our Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and Terrorist Disasters
Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy
Review: Masters of Deception–The Gang That Ruled Cyberspace
Review: C3I: Issues of Command and Control
Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman (Hardcover)
Review: CYBERPUNK–Outlaws and Hackers on the Computer Frontier, Revised
Counterculture Through the Ages: From Abraham to Acid House
Review: R & D Collaboration on Trial–The Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
Resources on Information Security, Death of Privacy, & the Anti-Spyware Coalition
1996: CREATING A SMART NATION: Strategy, Policy, Intelligence & Information