Search & Worth a Look: Iraq Veteran Rings

Citizen-Centered, Military, Searches, Worth A Look
Home Page for Rings

This is interesting for two reasons:

1)  Our first thought was that returning veterans were forming small criminal rings to survive in the absence of jobs being available.  That is still a potential threat, on top of all the gang members that joined the military for the express purpose of gaining advanced training and liberal access to weapons and munitions.

2)  Second, this is the same web site that sells service rings for $45, and those we recommend highly, but the “culture of war” seems to be captured by this offering, with one big caveat as pointed out by Marcus Aurelius in an earlier post–only a tiny segment of our population–and virtually NONE of our political leaders–is a war veteran.

Graphic: Core Force for Multinational and Whole of Government Operations

About the Idea, Advanced Cyber/IO, Capabilities-Force Structure, Multinational Plus
Core Force
Click to Enlarge

This graphic was created for a lecture to Eastern European Parliamentarians at the George C. Marshall Center in the mid-tolate 1990's.  Many understood back then that the Department of Defense (DoD) was the only element of the U.S. Government (USG) capable of serving as a hub or backbone for USG Whole of Government and dynamic or surge inter-agency operations as well as multinational operations other than war (OOTW).

Unfortunately, the military services have managed to avoid, undermine, or ignore leadership from a series of Secretaries of Defense, so today we do not have a Global Information Grid (GIG) nor do we have joint mobility, weapons, or communications systems that are truly inter-operable.

Originally posted online in 2008 when this Blog was first created, we are updating the publication date to make it more easily visible–this will be, we believe, a central graphic for the multinational endeavors of the future.

See Also:

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Graphic: Top Business Intelligence Companies

Analysis, Processing, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Tribes
For Reflection

This is Gartner's latest.   It comes as we are thinking about the convergence among software, hardware, and services companies, all trying to stovepipe their clients, none of them trying to help their clients actually do multinational eight-tribe information-sharing and sense-making.

Then there is the complete absence of visionaries, at least that Gartner has noticed or deigned to list.

It merits comment that “Business Intelligence” is nothing more than internal data mining, it does not integrate the other three quadrants, for that see Graphic: Four Quadrants J-2 High Cell SMS Low and Graphic: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) J-2 Central.  Links to other graphics can be seen atSearch: information sharing graphic dod.