JOURNAL: Open Source Education
A couple of years back I asked (in the article “Industrial Education” which is worth a read):
“An Ivy League Education for less than $20 a month. Why not?”
At the time there were only a smattering of course materials online. That's changing. It's coming. Here's an example of a class that signed up 56,000 people in two weeks.
Free Online Class on Artificial Intelligence
Another example of a highly scalable education product: Codecademy
The way to repair and revitalize modern civilization is on the horizon. It follows a simple dictum:
Localize production. Virtualize everything else.
With the above, we see the virtualization of formal education (books were the first wave).
Some other thoughts on this:
- It can drop costs by 3 orders of magnitude. $20 a year instead of $20,000.
- It means that the best instructors teach almost everyone. Why not the best?
Phi Beta Iota: There is actually a much larger variant of free online education, and that it the YouTube 2-5 minute micro-class revolution, in which citizen experts create concise lectures on single specific micro-knowledge, for example, a type of algebra problem, or mixing hydoponic solutions, etcetera.
Free Online & RECAP Links Below the Line
Reference Sites:
Academic Earth (Aggregates Academic Lectures)
YouTube Education (Categories Below)
See Especially:
RSA Animate – Changing Education Paradigms
Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!
Mark Prensky Changing Paradigms from Taught to Self-Learning
See Also (Phi Beta Iota):
2002 Information Communication Technologies (ICT) for education and building human capital (UN ITU)
Bangladesh Farmers + ICT, Increasing Awareness to Increase Income, Model for Other Countries
Denmark: One Hundred Mobile App Teach Kids Math
Hyperlink-Notes on the Future of Education (and the future is now) from Bits to Bots
Journal: It’s Official–Social Media EDUCATES
Journal: Online Kindness Class Gains Traction
Journal: The College Education Bubble-Scam-Implosion
Marc Andreessen: US Education Crisis–Young and Old
Michael Bloomberg, Vice President for Education, Intelligence, & Research — Creating a Smart Nation
My Talk With Tom Atlee: Primer on Citizen Intelligence
Open Source Agency: Executive Access Point
Reference: How to Use Twitter to Build Intelligence
Reference: Integrity at Scale Free Online Book
Reference: Mobile Learning Displaces Distance Learning, Offers Hope for Five Billion Poor
Reference: Personal Aggregate, Filter & Connect Strategies
Review: Making Learning Whole–How Seven Principles of Teaching can Transform Education
Review: The Emerging Worldwide Electronic University–Information Age Global Higher Education
Review: The Social Life of Information
Review: The World Is Open–How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education
TED: Salman Khan–Use video to reinvent education
TED: Sugata Mitra–The child-driven education
Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: John N. Warfield
Worth a Look: Books on Reinventing Education
Worth a Look: Live Language Lessons Online
Worth a Look: Online Education Database