From Intelligence Online:
Suspected by Congress of being linked to the Chinese army, Huawei is working in the U.S. in partnership with Amerilink, which is headed by a former U.S. Navy admiral.
Trusted third party – In a few weeks’ time the U.S. telecoms operator Sprint Nextel is due to award the $2 billion 7-year contract for the development of its 3G network in the United States. To strengthen its chances of winning the lucrative deal, China’s Huawei Technologies, which is regularly suspected of having links to the Chinese People’s Liberation
Army (IOL 619 ), has placed a joint bid with Amerilink, a small U.S. company founded in 2009. The company employs fewer than 20 engineers and is headed by William Owens, a former vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Amerilink acts as the interface between Huawei and potential U.S. clients. If Huawei were to win the Sprint contract, Amerilink would handle the integration of Chinese equipment in the U.S. operator’s network.
Powerful support – U.S. parliamentarians have been Huawei’s most vociferous opponents: they prevented the Chinese group from buying the U.S. telephony company 3Com in 2008. To defend its partner in Congress, Amerilink recently added two Democrat personalities to its board of directors, the former World Bank president James Wolfenson and Richard Gephardt, president of the House of Representatives ’ Democratic group from 1989 to 2003.