Trip Report: Occupy Oakland, Electoral Reform

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A quiet and peaceful Sunday afternoon in Frank Ogawa Plaza Downtown Oakland.

OWS Oakland reestablished after last weeks removal of the camp by Police.  No police presence.

Electoral Reform Hand-Out distributed, generally met with skepticism – a real reluctance to engage in specifics.

Trip Report: Occupy San Francisco, Electoral Reform

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Justin Herman Plaza San Francisco, bustling with activity. The camp is well organized and clean. A small group of protesters were being taught on how to deal with Police. The Chinese Progressive Association was on the march through the camp.There was very little Police presents on this afternoon.

Electoral Reform Hand-Out distributed, generally met with skepticism – a real reluctance to engage in specifics.

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Review (UK): Inteligencia teórica [Theory of Intelligence]

5 Star, Foreign Language Books, Intelligence (Commercial), Intelligence (Government/Secret), Intelligence (Public)
Amazon Page (UK)

Gustavo DIAZ Matey

5.0 out of 5 stars Extremely Strong Spanish-Language Text, 31 Oct 2011

I know the author personally, have followed his work over many years, and consider him to be one of the top authorities on intelligence writing in the Spanish language. I recently worked with him in Spain on an initiative he has been developing, to help the Spanish government and Spanish commerce make better use of open sources of intelligence while also refining their methods in relation to data integrity, product integrity, and system or behavioral integrity.

Although I am not familiar with all the publications in Spanish on intelligence, people I trust tell me that this is one of the top books in Spanish. I do not look for it to be translated soon, but would certainly recommend to any publishing house that they consider doing so, as we are all [except the Western governments] moving toward M4IS2 hybrid eight tribe governance, and this is something the author is helping to explain to all governments and business and academic and non-governmental communities that work in the Spanish languages.

M4IS2: Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making

Eight Tribes: Academic, Civil Society, Commercial, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Non-Governmental / Non-Profit

Rather than list specific books I also recommend here, I want to point readers to my full list of most intelligence books that I have reviewed for Amazon, just search for intelligence (most and get right to it with links to the Amazon pages for each book.

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Review (UK): Los servicios de inteligencia ante el siglo XXI [Intelligence Services in the 21st Century]

5 Star, Foreign Language Books, Intelligence (Commercial), Intelligence (Government/Secret), Intelligence (Public)
Amazon Page (UK)

Gustavo DIAZ Matey

5.0 out of 5 stars Extremely important Spanish-language future-relevant book on intelligence, 31 Oct 2011

I know the author personally, have followed his work over many years, and consider him to be one of the top authorities on intelligence writing in the Spanish language. I recently worked with him in Spain on an initiative he has been developing, to help the Spanish government and Spanish commerce make better use of open sources of intelligence while also refining their methods in relation to data integrity, product integrity, and system or behavioral integrity.

Although I am not familiar with all the publications in Spanish on intelligence, people I trust tell me that this is one of the top books in Spanish. I do not look for it to be translated soon, but would certainly recommend to any publishing house that they consider doing so, as we are all [except the Western governments] moving toward M4IS2 hybrid eight tribe governance, and this is something the author is helping to explain to all governments and business and academic and non-governmental communities that work in the Spanish languages.

M4IS2: Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making

Eight Tribes: Academic, Civil Society, Commercial, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Non-Governmental / Non-Profit

Rather than list specific books I also recommend here, I want to point readers to my full list of most intelligence books that I have reviewed for Amazon, just search for intelligence (most and get right to it with links to the Amazon pages for each book.

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Tom Atlee: Occupy to Self-Manage by Michael Albert

Blog Wisdom, Cultural Intelligence
Tom Atlee

Recommended. Long and thoughtful.

Occupy to Self Manage

By Michael Albert

I have yet to see my nearest large occupation, Boston, or the precursor of all U.S. occupations, Wall Street. Instead, I have been on the road for the past six weeks in Thesselonika and Athens Greece; Istanbul and Diyarbikar Turkey; Lexington, Kentucky; London, England; Dublin, Ireland; and in Barcelona, Madrid, and Valencia Spain.

In all these places, I talked with diverse individuals at many meetings and popular assemblies. I met people involved in occupations, as well as audiences assembled by my hosts to hear about participatory economics. Beyond addressing assigned topics, my own priority was to learn about local movements. I repeatedly asked what folks struggling for many months wished to say to other folks first embarking on similar paths.


Another factor that was initially exciting but later became tedious, was seeking consensus. At first it was novel. It implied trust, which felt good. It implied shared intentions, which felt inspiring. But after awhile, seeking consensus became tortured, a time waster, and its reason for being the only decision making approach became steadily less compelling.

Read full analysis and reflections.

Trip Report: OWS NY Meeting on Electoral Reform

Robert David STEELE Vivas

I spent the day getting to and from a two and a half hour meeting of the NYC General Assembly working group on Politics and Electoral Reform (P&ER). The skeleton minutes of that meeting are online.

With respect to Electoral Reform, first the group considered Summary of NYC GA Working Group on Politics and Electoral Reform Preamble and Specifics for Electoral Reform provided as a two-page hand-out.

MGB in Front of 60 Wall Street

Later in the meeting the group received a personal presentation [will be linked here as soon as it is loaded by the professional who did the taping]  of about seven minutes from me on why Electoral Reform is the one thing that can unify every US voter and eventually all other voters in their own countries, and two handouts:

Proposed Statement of Demand for Electoral Reform Act of 2012 – this blends in everything from the group list

Electoral Reform Act of 2012 – Version 3.2 This blends in all the points from the existing group list recorded by Tim.

There was a great deal of discussion, with two general views: first, that Electoral Reform is NOT sufficient, needed is a Constitutional Convention to overturn the entire system and install Direct Democracy everywhere; and second, that Electoral Reform is one thing we can all agree on and move forward with, while everything else develops on its own schedule.

MGB Cold Weather No Heater Gear

I tried to emphasize that the formulation of the Statement of Demand and the project reading date of 5 January 2012 would take all the pressure off OWS encampments (their “Valley Forge”) and shift the focus to confronting Governors (who have to lead Open Ballot Access changes that are at the state level), Senators, and Representatives.  Below are two relevant lists.

#OWS: List of Governors Up for Re-Election in 2012

#OWS: List of Senators Up for Re-Election in 2012

The P&ER working group is hoping to elevate the electoral reform issue, a viral campaign for a constitutional convention, and a new pilot project on direct democracy to the full NYC General Assembly within ten days.  I urged them to use whatever they decided upon in the way of a Statement of Demand and the specifics of an Electoral Reform Act of 2012 as a model to share with all other Occupy groups in the USA and world-wide, to stimulate two months of deep discussion on what I regard as the one non-violent option we have of getting America the Beautiful back on track through the restoration of electoral integrity and the eradication of institutionalized corruption in the two-party tyranny (one bird, two wings, same shit).

Intellectually what I find most stimulating about all this is the convergence of Marxism properly understood on the left, and Libertarianism properly understood on the right–BOTH are about the sovereignty of man over the state, the eradication of state power as an autonomous out-of-control and therefore virulent entity.  Below explores that territory.

Karl Marx, Libertarians, & OWS: End STATE Power RECAP