Al Martin, former Navy intelligence officer and former Wall Street broker, former Iran-contra co-conspirator with Ollie's Follies, is starting to write about the possible use of the many civil unrest internment camps built in the US by Halliburton and related contractors. In his view, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), makes it possible for expanded use of the US military and expanded powers for law enforcement to “contain” the unemployed in work camps–which might be a good thing, in his view. [The bill passed the Senate but has not passed the House at this time.]
Here are some fragments about these camps.
Alleged KBR Memo with Details for Rapid Construction of Camps for 300-1000
List of Alleged US Internment Camps (12 Pages)
Exclusive: Government Activating FEMA Camps Across U.S. [Prison Planet / Alex Jones / Substance]
Concentration Camps for US Citizens
Our government, under a program called REX 84 (Readiness Exercise 84) runs over 800 detention camps nationwide. They are all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners should the US government institute martial law.