US officials: Pakistan hasn't shared detailed bin Laden logs left behind
By Jim Miklaszewski, NBC News chief Pentagon correspondent, and Robert Windrem, NBC News investigative producer for special projects
The U.S. Navy Seals who killed Osama bin Laden recovered a number of the former al-Qaida leader’s journals at the Pakistan compound where he was hiding, but they were forced to leave behind detailed logs of bin Laden and al-Qaida activity that the Pakistanis have not yet shared, senior U.S. officials told NBC News on Wednesday.
Phi Beta Iota: We doubt that serious forensics and graphalogy will be brought to bear on this “treasure trove,” and consider the “left behind” series of logs to be inherently suspect. It is impossible to know the truth of the matter at this time, the major reason why the Bin Laden Show has been posted in so many pieces, to enable others to connect dots and offer up missing pieces.