Paul Craig Roberts: Dismal Economic Outlook for 2012

03 Economy, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Government


Paul Craig Roberts

The Dismal Economic Outlook For The New Year

January 6, 2012 Paul Craig Roberts

Jobs offshoring, financial deregulation, and ten years of wars have severely damaged the US economy and the economic prospects of 90% of the American population. The signs are everywhere in front of our eyes. They are in the income distribution data, the BLS jobs data, the Census data, the poverty figures, and the high number of food stamp recipients.


The signs are in the foreclosed and boarded up homes and the accompanying homelessness. They are in closed strip malls, in office building, warehouse, and shopping mall vacancies, and in the huge population losses of America’s manufacturing cities.

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As the US government is controlled by financial and armaments interests and not by the people, the government responded to the financial crisis by shoveling more debt and more hardships on the American people in order that financial interests did not have to
pay for their own mistakes and crimes. Instead of blaming the responsible parties, “our” government handed the bill to the American people.

Read full article.

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