Being read in Europe.
Swiss Study Shows 147 Technocratic “Super Entities” Rule the World
Susanne Posel
October 10, 2012

The Swiss Federal Institute (SFI) in Zurich released a study entitled “The Network of Global Corporate Control” that proves a small consortiums of corporations – mainly banks – run the world. A mere 147 corporations which form a “super entity” have control 40% of the world’s wealth; which is the real economy. These mega-corporations are at the center of the global economy. The banks found to be most influential include:
• Barclays
• Goldman Sachs
• JPMorgan Chase & Co
• Vanguard Group
• Deutsche Bank
• Bank of New York Melon Corp
• Morgan Stanley
• Bank of America Corp
• Société Générale
However as the connections to the controlling groups are networked throughout the world, they become the catalyst for global financial collapse.
James Glattfelder, complex systems theorist at the SFI explains: “In effect, less than one per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network.”
Using mathematic models normally applied to natural systems, the researchers analyzed the world’s economy. Their data was taken from Orbis 2007, a database which lists 37 million corporations and investors. The evidence showed that the world’s largest corporations are interconnected to all other companies and their professional decisions affect all markets across the globe.
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Simultaneously, the BRICs nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China) are buying gold to back their fiat currencies to avoid being caught up in the destruction of the technocrats as they march toward one world currency. BRICs have become the anti-thesis to the banking cartels of the Zionist regime.
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A joint BRICs bank was discussed with vigor. It would serve as an alternative to central banks that abuse their power at the expense of nations worldwide. They hope to replace the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. The IMF and World Bank are alarmed by this move and highly disapprove of it.
This is not shocking, considering that the central banks play a game of printing fiat that has no precious metals backing the paper.
Over 180 countries have signed onto the BRICs agreement as evidenced in their declaration. While the global Elite still hold power over the G5 countries, the rest of the world is standing up, severing their ties and making plans for a new world without them.
Phi Beta Iota: Precious metals are not the solution — they are merely a stand-in for money and transactional value. What is important in this article, its anti-Zionist rhetoric to the side, is that the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) are continuing to organize an alternative financial system that dismisses the IMF, WTO, and World Bank as instruments of a very flawed corrupt financial order that favors the few over the many. There will still be elites, but a new new world order might a) end absentee land ownship; b) tie community currency to community assets; and c) sharply control if not eliminate debt and interest.
See Also:
Mini-Me: US Dollar Out, Yuan, System D, and Open Money In + Meta-RECAP
Mini-Me: Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC)