Do click on below to read the full, encouraging ad inspiring report…relevant for fracking, shale gas, factory farming, sludge dumping, large scale water withdrawals and industrial scale energy projects.
Dear Friends,
Last week, a Pennsylvania county court declared that corporations are not ³persons² under the Pennsylvania Constitution, and therefore, that corporations cannot elevate their ³private rights² above the rights of people. In a landmark ruling, President Judge Debbie O¹Dell-Seneca of the Washington County Court of Common Pleas denied the corporation¹s request on the basis that the Pennsylvania Constitution only protects the rights of people, not business entities. This same decision must be made in thousands of other courts across our country to lay the fallacy of “corporate personhood” to rest for good, but I am so grateful to this person of integrity for standing in the “jaws of the beast” and declaring the truth. And I am also grateful to the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) for their generous work in helping communities across the country adopt Community Bills of Rights that ban such projects as fracking, sludge dumping and other as violations of the community¹s right to a sustainable energy and farming future. Please take the time to read the language of Judge Debbie O'Dell-Seneca's decision. It is beautiful and inspiring and true.