Deja vu?
Secrecy in U.S. National Security: Why a Paradigm Shift is Needed
RAND, 38 pages, November 2018
ROBERT STEELE: It was my privilege to testify on wasteful and dysfunctional secrecy to both the Executive in 1993 and to Congress — The Moynihan Commission on Protecting and Reducing Secrecy — in 1996. Nothing has changed since then. Secrecy is still used primarily to conceal budgets, avoid accountability, and lie to both the President and to Members. Bill Binney and I have agreed that we could usefully eliminate up to 70% of each secret agency including the CIA, consolidating the surviving bits in a revitalized Central (Classified) Intelligence Agency (the DNI position and staff can take the same 70% reduction and the survivors transferred to work for the restored DCI). Since no one, least of all CIA and certainly not the Cabinet elements, is willing or able to do Active Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), I continue to press for an Open Source Agency directly responsive to the President, the Cabinet, and front-line diplomatic development, defense, and commerce leaders and commanders.
See Especially:
Steele, Robert. Letter to Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, “Subject: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE),” January 2, 2017.
Steele, Robert. For the President of the United States of America Donald Trump: Subject: EradicatingFake News and False Intelligence with an Open Source Agency That Also SupportsDefense, Diplomacy, Development, & Commerce (D3C) Innovation to Stabilize World. Earth Intelligence Network, 2017.
See Also:
Steele, Robert. “Talking Points ‘Secrecy and Accountability in U.S. Intelligence’,” Washington, DC: Center for International Policy, October 9, 1996.
Steele, Robert. “SOURCES AND METHODS: A PRIMER FOR CONGRESSIONAL INQUIRY,” Washington, DC: US Senate, The Moynihan Commission on Protecting and Reducing Secrecy, March 16, 1996.
Steele, Robert. “Data Mining: Don’t Buy or Build Your Shovel Until You Know What You’re Digging Into,” Washington, DC: National Research Council, October 25, 1994, to the working group reviewing the US Army’s multi-billion-dollar future communications architecture.
Steele, Robert with James Anderson, William Caelli, and Winn Schwartau, “Correspondence, Sounding the Alarm on Cyber Security,” McLean, VA: Open Source Solutions, Inc., August 23, 1994.
Steele, Robert. “1993 Talking Points for the Director of Central Intelligence,” McLean, VA: Open Source Solutions Network, Inc., 20 July 1993.
Steele, Robert. “Testimony to Presidential Inter-Agency Task Force on National Security Information,” Washington, DC: Department of Justice, June 9, 1993.