Stephen Lendman: Is Trump Really Defining Criticism of Israel as a Death Penalty Offense?

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Peace Intelligence
Stephen Lendman

Trump Regime Redefines Anti-Semitism

According to the State Department’s redefinition of anti-Semitism, it includes criticism “of the state of Israel.”

It considers the legitimate global BDS movement anti-Semitic, a Big Lie. It includes comparing Israeli abuses against Palestinians to Nazi mistreatment of Jews.

What the Nazis did to Jews on an industrial scale, Israel does to Palestinians in a slow-motion fashion.

Read full article, an excellent slam on anti-Semitism as a corrupt canard.


Yoda: Death Penalty for Anti-Zionists? Or Presidential Genius Against Deep State False Flag Atrocity Sponsors?

See Especially:

47 Zionist Strikes (Zionism is Not Judaism)

See Also:

Anti-Semitism @ Phi Beta Iota

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
