TREASON INSIDE THE BELTWAY: Even the coup plotters called it a coup!
Phi Beta Iota: Why is this asshole not in jail along with Brennan et al? There is absolutely nothing impeachable about “horse-trading” in foreign policy, nor can a request to re-open an investigation against an opponent be compared to a demand to close an investigation against a son — Biden, not Trump, is the culpable one for abuse of power.
20191111 NEW:
How to Crush a Bankers’ Dictatorship: A Lesson from 1933
This Is H-u-g-e: On Oct 29th, the Coup Against Trump Officially Went From Soft to Hard
See Also:
- Mongoose: How Obama Led the Coup Against Trump
- SPECIAL: Matt Taibbi – Brennan, Comey, Clapper — And Other Secret Intelligence Leaders — Indictable for a Permanent Coup (Treason)?
- Matt Taibbi: CIA Whistleblower is a Palace Coup with Complicity of House Democrats and Media
- The Saker: Terrorists Among US – The Coup Against the Presidency
- Frank Miele (Heartland Diary): Judicial Watch exposes Rosenstein’s role in Deep State coup – Memo documents seriousness of plan to wear wire against President Trump
- Zero Hedge: James Kunstler on Trump Strikes Back — the Coup Plotters Go To Jail…
- Paul Adams: Alan Sabrosky on Zionist Coup Against USA
- CENSORED BY GOOGLE NEWS Robert Steele: Who is winning in USA? Trump or Pelosi Was a coup averted? What is next?
- Mongoose: The Emerging Violent Coup Against Trump
- Jerome Corsi: Explaining Trump, the Military “Legal” Coup, Q Anon, Mueller Investigation, Zuckerberg Testimony [Via InfoWars and Alex Jones]
- Roger Stone: Soft Coup Continues — 25th Amendment Play, Pence in the Lead?
- Jon Rappoport: FBI White Hats Stopping Coup?
- Julian Assange: Mike Pence is a Traitor, Stabbing Donald Trump in the Back — Deep State in Final Stages of a Coup Against Trump
- Matt Bracken with Alex Jones: Trump Beat the Coup
- Robert Steele: Trump Counter Coup In Play, Deep State, Pedophiles, Satanists Are Toast
- Berto Jongman: Trump Overthrown by Military Coup?
- Anton Chaitkin: The Coup Then and Now — Enemies of Humanity Give Trump the JFK Treatment
- Antechinus: The Deep State Coup Against Donald Trump…Assassination Next? DJT is JFK Redux…
- Robert Parry: The Soft Coup by the Deep State Against Donald Trump Continues…
- Joachim Hagoplan: The “White House Coup – Syria as a Bay of Pigs Moment, Treason Most Foul From Within
- John Whitehead: The Path to Total Dictatorship – America’s Shadow Government & Its Silent Coup
- Lou Dobbs: Chris Farrell on Deep State and Obama Wire-Tapping of Trump — the Soft Coup Continues
- Mongoose: FBI’s Own Political Terror Plot; Deputy Director and FBI Brass Secretly Conspired to Wage Coup Against Flynn & Trump
- Berto Jongman: Being Watched In Europe – YouTube 7:05 SGT Report on Soft Coup Led by Obama, Clinton, Soros, Pedophilia Connection
- ZeroHedge: DHS Insider Warns “It’s Spy Versus Spy” — The Coup Against Trump Continues
- Amazon Kindle Shorts: Buy the Two Best Sellers That Explain Both Trump’s Accidental Win and the Soft Coup that Has Re-Booted….
- Mongoose: Bush-Baker Planning Coup to Impeach Trump, Promote Pence, and Install Jeb Bush as VP? UPDATE 1 (Skeptical)
- Norie Huddle: Coup and Counter-Coup USA…
- Michael Kearns: Yonatan Zunger on Trump’s Coup
- Robert Steele: The Soft Coup Collapses – Blackmail Revealed – What Next? CIA was bluffing, produced no evidence – Russians did not “hack” the election. Is this the beginning of the end of the Deep State in the USA? Can Trump clean house & wage peace? (Trump Revolution 06)
- Jon Rappoport: DHS Takes Over US Elections – This is a Coup [PBI: It Also Gives Zionists Who “Own” DHS a Chance to Control 2018 Elections]
- Robert Parry: A Spy Coup in America?
- Owl: Michel Chossudovsky – Coup Being Led by Banks, Neoconservatives and Military-Industrial Complex Favoring War with Russia — Trump Backed by Main Street and Business Favoring a Foreign Policy of Peace and Commerce
- Paul Craig Roberts: The Elite Coup Against Donald Trump — With CIA (John Brennan) As the Principal Traitor
- Steve Pieczenik: US Intel Good Guys Did The Counter-Coup — Russians Did NOT “Hack” Anything
- Berto Jongman: PizzaGate is Now PedoGate — PBI: The Electoral College Coup is Partly a Deliberate Effort to Damp Down PedoGate / PizzaGate and Partly Deep Fear of Donald Trump Exposing Pedophilia Within the Deep State
- Antechinus: The Elite Coup of 2016 – Should Barack Obama Be Impeached?
- Larry Nichols on Alex Jones: Coup USA – Clinton-Soros Have Flipped 30 Electors, Think They Can Get Another Eight
- Robert Steele: Fake News as Treason — An Indictment of CIA, NSA & Everyone Else…Russians Did Not Hack Election, This is a Coup in Progress…
- John Robb: Electoral Coup Underway!
- Justin Raimondo: Stop the CIA – Saudi Coup Against Donald Trump
- Robert Steele: Donald Trump, The Accidental President — Under Siege! A Soft Coup Rages within a Closed Rigged System… (Trump Revolution 05)
- Antechinus + Owl: Hillary Clinton Going Down for Treason, Pedophilia, & Murder — NYPD Insights on the “Soft Coup”
- Steve Pieczenik: Counter-Coup — US Intelligence Joins with WikiLeaks to “Put Down” the Criminal Cabal Seeking to Extend Control Over US Government
- CounterPunch: Military Coup in USA?
- Review: Haig’s Coup – How Richard Nixon’s Closest Aide Forced Him From Office