Thierry Meyssan
5 Star Brilliant and unique truth telling from three points of view: Arab, French, US — an Indictment of Empire
I have been a deep admirer of the intelligence and integrity and local knowledge as well as strategic acumen of Thierry Mayssan ever since he accurately understood 9/11 as an inside job, long before I did.
In a nutshell, Mayssan is the anti-thesis of what we have today in the secret intelligence world that relies on a combination of corrupt policy consumers who could care less about intelligence (decision-support) while caring more about the bribes and blackmail that Zionist Israel (and Qatar and Saudi Arabia) put on them; young ignorant analysts, poorly educated with little time in the real world and especially little time in the countries they pupport to study; and excessive reliance on technical collection that is not processed and hand-outs — more often than not lies — from foreign intelligence services with their own agenda.
US intelligence is, in two words, both corrupt and stupid.
It is in that context that this book and this author are priceless. If I were President, I would place more value on this one man than I would on the entire $100B a year secret intelligence world.
The book could be improved with presidential-level executive summaries for each chapter, necessary in part because the chapters are deep and complex and culturally nuanced and you really have to read every word or miss half the points.
Here is the publisher's official description that is better than anything I could devise at this point in time:
In “Before Our Very Eyes” he chronicles the onslaught against Syria and Libya, from the viewpoints of three camps: the foolish ambitions of the French neocolonialists, the fanaticism of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the lust for world domination of the Anglo-Zionist-American Empire. We see how the Anglo-American axis (the US, UK, and Israel discreetly behind the scenes) deployed their iron grip on the world's money and media to propagate a fake scenario of human rights violations. This was the cover story for the real scheme — to utterly disable the Muslim world by bringing it under the sword of fanatics like the Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Vassal regimes like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and the Emirates were assigned to do the heavy lifting. For public relations purposes, the US pretended to fight half-heartedly against ISIS – which in fact it had intentionally created in Iraq, to divide and conquer the insurgency. The US then covertly ferried the terrorists into Libya and Syria. It continues to prop up ISIS by devious means. Thus the wars on Libya and Syria were based on treachery and fakery from start to finish – but the suffering of millions of innocent victims is all too real. A most murderous masquerade!
The author himself provides a compelling overview in his article on his own book, “Right Before Our Eyes,” and that is recommended as an introduction. I particularly like his reference to peeling the onion. CIA does not peel onions or do nuanced holistic analytics with true cost economics. They put salt and pepper on shit and serve it to the President claiming it is a filet mignon. Our President — and Mike Flynn — are absolutely right to be interested in a radical reconstruction of our over-priced under-performing intelligence community.
This book is in many ways the modern counterpart to my much simpler Burundi Exercise for the Aspin-Brown Commission, in which I defeated the entire secret intelligence community with six phone calls to open sources; and this man and this book are in many ways an icon for what an Open Source Agency — long fought by the CIA — would offer the President: the truth at low cost, shareable with Congress and the public.
BRAVO ZULU. Thierry Meyssan is an ethical, historical, and intellectual giant.