Mongoose: PedoGate PizzaGate Federal Employees Arrested and Incarcerated for Pedophilia — Congress Refuses to Entertain Eliminating Pornography from Agencies Act

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Officers Call

Tip of the Hat to Frank Bacon

State Dept Dan Rosen’s Arrest: Cheat Sheet for Journos

Highlights: 01 Hundreds of federal as well as state employees are being caught not just with child porn, but engaged in child abuse; 02 The Department of Justice refuses to track these crimes as a group; 03 Congress refuses to consider the Eliminating Pornography from Agencies Act. Lists specific arrests across CIA, FBI, DOJ, DHS, DOT, TSA, and ICE.

See Also:

Pedophilia @ Phi Beta Iota

PizzaGate @ Phi Beta Iota

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
