We have learned nothing in 50 years. And military-industrial corruption continues to force dangerous electromagnetic offerings on us all.
The military is scrambling to understand the aviation crash risk from a new 5G sale
ROBERT STEELE: A a military intelligence professional as well as a cvilian intelligence professional I have known for a long time that Soviet and Chinese electromagnetic emissions control standards were 100 times more rigorous than our own. In Afghanistan I watched all of our systems including drones interfere with one another (and also watched the Taliban down-loading our drone images for their own use). The lack of intelligence and integrity across our military leadership at the acquisition level — as well as the strategic and theater or operational levels of foresight, is moving toward catastrophic. 5G does not just interfere with systems — it is radiating humans to the point that entire ship's companies are coming down with radiation sickness, which manifests as the flu. That is the hidden aspect of the fake pandemic.
See Especially:
See Also:
Electromagnetic @ Phi Beta Iota
SHAMELESS PROMOTION: I wear one of these. At my suggestion they migrated from the fixed size to adjustable. Use RDS007 code for 20% discount. They guarantee satisfaction or money back. I think of this as a modern version of a Native American “dream catcher.” No down side.