Journal: The Washington Drama Continues

Corruption, Government, Military
Chuck Spinney Recommends

The essay by Andrew Bacevich (Colonel USA ret.) portrays one of the very worst aspects of the imperial court of Versailles on the Potomac — collective amnesia that opens the door to the grotesque…

Chuck Spinney

The Washington Gossip Machine

Posted By Tom Engelhardt On September 26, 2010

Prisoners of War

Bob Woodward and all the president’s men (2010 edition)
by Andrew J. Bacevich

Amazon Page

Phi Beta Iota: Both of the above appear at the same link.  While worth a full read to appreciate the self-serving devotion of Bob Woodward and the ongoing duplicity of the Pentagon and hypocrisy of the White House, there is nothing here that Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal and many others–including Marine Corps General Smedley Butler, have not been saying for decades.  Col Bacevich's book is a short continuation of the same theme, what Chuck Spinney has been calling since the 1980's “Versailles on the Potomac.”  Missing from the Washington-based drama is the far deeper story being examined outside the beltway, to wit, “Is Washington in enemy hands?”

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