GW's School of Media and Public Affairs in association with the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress (CSPC) presents…
Scandal and Silence:
When the Watchdog Doesn't Bark
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
7 p.m.
Jack Morton Auditorium
The George Washington University
801 21st Street NW
Washington, DC 20052
A Debate and Discussion with Robert Entman, J.B. and M.C. Shapiro Professor of Media and Public Affairs.
Michael Isikoff: National Investigative Correspondent, NBC News
Egil “Bud” Krogh: Former Nixon Staffer & Senior Fellow, CSPC
Mara Liasson: National Political Correspondent, NPR
Frank Sesno: Director of the School of Media and Public Affairs, moderator
The conventional wisdom holds that media crave and actively pursue scandals whenever they sense corruption, keeping politicians honest, or at least fearful of being exposed. Scandal and Silence argues instead that:
- Feeding frenzies are the exception, not the rule.
- It's not the media but governments and political parties that drive the scandal process and any excesses that occur.
- Media neglect most corruption, providing too little, not too much scandal coverage.
- Cover-ups and lying often work, and truth remains essentially unrecorded, unremembered.
Please register for this event.