Graphic: Strategy for a Prosperous World at Peace

Advanced Cyber/IO, Graphics
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This graphic, devised by Robert Steele, illustrates the logic of achieving a prosperous world at peace thorugh the combination of open information and total integrity.  Clicking on the steps leads to the UN briefing.  Clicking on the frog below left leads to the latest technical briefing while frog right goes to the UNICEF “Open Everything” briefing.  The book-length version of this graphic is INTELLIGENCE for EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability (EIN, 2010).

The Ultimate Hack
The Ultimate Hack
Open Everything
Open Everything

Graphic: Earth Rescue Network Patch (Original)

Earth Rescue Network
Earth Rescue Network

This was designed by Robert Steele and is shared under Creative Commons copyright with commercial restriction.  There are two berets in existence, one in Sweden with Col Jan-Inge Svensson, the lead for peacekeeping intelligence and multinational information sharing, and one with Robert Steele, the lead for public intelligence in the public interest.

Click on the frog to see the latest briefing that includes a concept for harmonziing up to one trillion dollars a year in virtually organized giving from the one billion rich to the five billion poor.

The Ultimate Hack
The Ultimate Hack

Graphic: Earth Rescue Beret

Earth Rescue
Earth Rescue

The gray color was selected as the only color not associated with armed force per se.  Some services use this color for medical, weather, or other support personnel.

Click on the frog to see the document reviewing beret colors world-wide and their assigned mission areas.

Innovative Policy Options
Beret Review Document