Graphic: Persistent Surveillance Stoplight Chart

Analysis, Balance, Capabilities-Force Structure, Collection, Corruption, Geospatial, ICT-IT, Processing, Reform, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats, True Cost
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

PPT: Single Source Evaluation Matrix 1.2

See Also:

Analysis @ Phi Beta Iota

Big Data @ Phi Beta Iota

Yoda: Exascale by 2020? No Way, Jose! Four Socko Graphics and Bottom Line Upfront — Human Brain Still a Million Times More Power Efficient

Graphic: Cost of a Petabyte (Storage Only)

Capabilities-Force Structure, Processing
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge


CLAIM: Even including the surrounding costs—such as electricity, bandwidth, space rental, and IT administrators’ salaries—Backblaze spends one-tenth of the price in comparison to using Amazon S3, Dell Servers, NetApp Filers, or an EMC SAN.

UPDATE: Price per petabyde now down  to around $50,000 not counting controllers and other peripherals. Here is a good slam on Amazon's cloud (within which CIA's mini-cloud is a virtual rain-drop): Cloud Storage Marketing Hype: Amazon Glacier's Big Claims.

Graphic: Energy Poverty (and Sensibility)

Capabilities-Force Structure, Citizen-Centered, Earth Orientation, Resilience, True Cost
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

This snapshot of the world at night, stitched together with photos from NASA, contrasts with the little access to electricity in Africa compared to the global north. Energy poverty translates to poor health care, stifled economic growth, toxic fumes, limited or no education, and lack of safety.

Phi Beta Iota: As with water, the absence of use can also represent sensibility — most of the energy use shown here is waste.


Graphic: World Water Risk 2014

Balance, Citizen-Centered, Earth Orientation, Resilience, Threats, True Cost
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

QUOTE: When we say we have a global water crisis, we mean it. The World Resource Institute use a mapping tool called Aqueduct to help companies, investors, governments, and the public understand the global water stress and risks. Notice the similarities with the previous map now? You should. While there is opportunity for agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa, Northern Africa and parts of Southern Africa face high risk of water scarcity.


Neal Rauhauser: 36 Extraordinary Maps

Neal Rauhauser
Neal Rauhauser

36 maps that will make you see the world in completely new ways

The internet has led to a renaissance in mapmaking, with thousands of interactive, illustrated, informational, or just plain silly maps being published on a daily basis. We’ve done a number of other pieces on some of the web’s interesting and weird maps, but there’s thousands more out there, and it can be hard to keep up. So here’s another installment, with 36 new maps we haven’t posted before.

Matt Hershberger

Matador, 14 April 2014


1. Wind map of America
2. Actual discoveries by Europeans
3. Countries by racial tolerance
4. America’s favorite beers by state
5. Wind map of the world
6. North America’s pre-European languages
7. World consumption of milk

Continue reading “Neal Rauhauser: 36 Extraordinary Maps”