Graphic: Map Syria Iran + Syria-Iran-Rergional RECAP

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EDIT of 23 Oct 2012: Iran has direct access to the sea to its south and controls the Strait of Hormuz.  It has a direct water connection to Russia via Eastern Europe.  We would not be too hard on Mitt Romney, he is no more or less ignorant than Barack Obama talking about aircraft carriers and submarines.  The fact is that both of these individuals mean well, but they are puppets in a theater, the outcome of the election is already known (Romney by 1%, thank you Karl Rove and Greg Palast), and we will have another four years of two-party tyranny and military-industrial complex serving the 1% and betraying the public interest.  The third party candidates debating tonight are part of the problem–doing the wrong things righter instead of the right thing.  The right thing is We the People Reform Coalition.  Tell others, please.

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Graphic: four quadrants of organizational culture

Capabilities-Force Structure, Citizen-Centered, Innovation, Political
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Source: Embedding Sustainability in Organizational Culture (PDF 74 pages)

As a general comment, organizational cultures do not change until the organizations collapse, the leaders die or retire, and a new generation with new internal values derived from external reality is empowered.  Installed leaders will always go for what they learned 20 years earlier, doing the wrong thing righter.  It is a very rare leader that empowers and protects their “Wild Ducks” to achieve revolutionary change among static mind-sets.

See Also:

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Graphic: IBM Big Data (Severely Retarded)

Collection, Graphics, ICT-IT, Multinational Plus, Policies-Harmonization, Processing, Threats, Tribes
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Source: Big Data is big, but still not trustworthy: study

Phi Beta Iota:  IBM and the US secret intelligence community share the same intellectual deficiencies — they just cannot come to grips with two facts: a) 80% or more of the data that is online is Deep Web and NOT subject to search discovery in its present state of infantile development; and b) 80% of relevant information is not digital, not in English, and not even published in analog form.

See Also:

21st Century Intelligence Core References 2007-2013