SPECIAL: Robert Steele on Hagmann & Hagmann Report – Deep State, Steve Bannon, #GoogleGestapo, Pedophilia, & More…

Interviews OF Robert

Steele, Robert, with Interviewers, “Deep State, Steve Bannon, #GoogleGestapo, Pedophilia, and More,” Hagmann Report, February 25, 2017.

Other Recent Audio-Visual Interviews Below the Fold

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ANSWERS: Robert Steele for Mohsen Addelmoumen

#OSE Open Source Everything, Earth Intelligence, Interviews OF Robert, Peace Intelligence
Mohsen Abdelmoumen

Mohsen Abdelmoumen is an Algerian journalist based in Belgium. He asked these very intelligent questions and I have been pleased to answer them for him. The original answers are below the fold. The editors took some liberties with the article titles, the bulk of the materials is about reform.

Steele, Robert with Mohsen Abdenmoumen, “Robert D. Steele: “NSA and CIA are indeed out of control,” Oximity, February 20, 2017. Replays below In-Depth article, new title.

Steele, Robert with Mohsen Abdenmoumen, “In Depth: Robert David Steele” (editor’s misleading title: “Robert David Steele: CIA Uses 1000 of US Overseas Bases to Facilitate the Smuggling of Drugs, Cash, Gold, Guns, and Small Children for the Elite”), American Herald Tribune, February 20, 2017.

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