Event: American Greatness: Sovereignty or Submission? Citizen or Subject?


EVENT: 16 October 2019

Washington, D.C.

Tucker Carlson confirmed as keynote.

Free, registration required see below.

Sovereignty or submission? Whither the West? And more specifically, which way America? Will citizenship mean something distinctive and important and will the country be run for the benefit of its citizens or not? That’s the question that’s at the heart of this political moment and it’s the question that will be answered at the upcoming conference of the same name.

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Advisory – Former Intelligence Leaders to Outline Illegal Government Spying, Criminality; Will Present “Ways to Save Our Country” at Disclosure Conference (Ventura, CA, 23-25 August 2019)

#Events, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government


SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/Steele-DD-2019-Press

Former Intel. Leaders to Outline Illegal Gov. Spying, Criminality and

“Ways to Save Our Country” at Dimensions of Disclosure Conference

With Trump’s Base in Revolt, Robert David Steele and William Binney Forecast 2020 Election

Continue reading “Advisory – Former Intelligence Leaders to Outline Illegal Government Spying, Criminality; Will Present “Ways to Save Our Country” at Disclosure Conference (Ventura, CA, 23-25 August 2019)”

Event in California Brings Whistleblowers, Researchers, and Word-Healers Together — 23-25 August, extraterrestrials, Free Energy, End of Secrecy and More…


Event in California Brings Whistleblowers, Researchers, and Word-Healers Together for Something Big — ET, Free Energy, + +

~Justin Deschamps

Almost everyone knows it at some level but only some dare to accept the truth.

Whistleblowers, researchers, and experiencers often share one common message. The details might vary or the timeline may be different, but the underlying idea is the same: the truth is being suppressed for the benefit of a few, at the cost of the many.

Continue reading “Event in California Brings Whistleblowers, Researchers, and Word-Healers Together — 23-25 August, extraterrestrials, Free Energy, End of Secrecy and More…”