Graphic: Dumber, Blunder, & Plunder

Blunder & Plunder
Blunder & Plunder

This is what happens to the taxpayer dollar when they stop demanding free and fair elections instead of the current two-party  tyranny farce that we have; and when they fail to keep their elected “representatives” honest.  For decades now both the Senate and the House have lacked integrity and consistently voted in favor of the special interests that pay them instead of the voters that elected them.  Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is the government manifestation of what we are now calling Public Intelligence, which is the actualization of Collective Intelligence.

Graphic: Full Spectrum Human Intelligence (HUMINT)

Collection, Strategy-Holistic Coherence
Click to Enlarge

Human Intelligence (HUMINT) no longer exists as a serious craft in the USA.  The Clandestine Service, a few exceptions not-with-standing relies almost completely on hand-outs from foreign liaison services who know the limits of American historical and cultural savoire faire, and the depth of American naivete.  In the Department of Defense (DoD) the current clandestine training has been described as “push-ups done silently.”  Across the government, the human brain and the inate value of the human being is at an all-time low and there appears to be no one of any leadership standing actually willing to demand that we get HUMINT right.

See Also:

Search: humint spectrum full spectrum

Graphic: Intelligence Reform

Advanced Cyber/IO, Balance, Capabilities-Force Structure, Leadership-Integrity, Reform
Intelligence Reform 101
Intelligence Reform 101

The White House does not understand this and the mandarins fear it.  The minute OSINT becomes fully operational, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) should begin demanding 20% cuts in the secret disciplines and in contractor “butts in seats” that are in violation of the inherently governmental nature of secret intelligence.  This is not to say those individuals should be laid off, only put on the government payroll if needed, at one third the price we pay now to bloated contractor bureaucracies.