Graphic: It’s Official, Al Gore is a Prophet

Balance, Citizen-Centered, Earth Orientation, Political, Reform
Click on Image to Enlarge


See Also:

Death of a carbon salesman: Chicago Climate Exchange

Phi Beta Iota:  Within climate change, carbon is less than ten percent of the total spectrum of threatening elements, with sulfer and mercury being considerably more important.  Climate change is perhaps ten percent of the larger threat of Environmental Degradation, properly ranked third after Poverty (which does more environmental damage than all corporations) and Infectuous Diseases.  It's one thing to proclaim your pet rock from the rooftops–it is quite another to actually have a strategic analytic model backed up by an EarthGame and true cost forensics across all industries.

Graphic: Global Brain at Infancy (Facebook)

Citizen-Centered, Innovation, Reform, Strategy-Holistic Coherence
Click on Image to Enlarge

A member of Facebook's data infrastructure engineering team, recently took a sample of about ten million pairs of friends from Facebook's data warehouse and plotted out their relationships. The result? A stunningly beautiful—and accurate—map of the world.


Phi Beta Iota:  What really matters in the above is not the light, but the darkness.  Facebook–and capitalism–focus on the one billion rich.  When we focus on the five billion poor, we will unleash infinite entrepreneurship and rapidly increasing wealth.  OpenBTS is “root” for doing this.