Robert Steele: Web 3.0 Card for POTUS

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet

For thirty years I have labored to sound the alarm and define Web 3.0 as a world brain that respects individual anonymity, identity, privacy, and security.

In that time I have been attacked and censored and defamed and repressed.

I have never given up. OMB is still on the record as approving a $2B a year Open Source Agency (closer to $4B now but with a Return on Investment through holistic analytics, true cost economics, and Open Source Engineering (OSEE) that is unimaginable by most: we can rebuild the USA and the world at a cost of 10-20% that of the failed Western economic model that is 50% waste and 90% looting by the banks.

The 12 Apostles for Web 3.0 are ready to go. The last couple of names will be confirmed this week-end.

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Martin Geddes: Death of the Current Internet Assured

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, IO Impotency

The current Internet has an irrational pricing model that is disconnected from true cost economics. As a result there are huge implicit and invisible transfers between different users and uses. Specifically there is no accounting for differences in quality; quantity alone is not the same as cost or benefit.

A handful of people in the world know how to fix this.

Phi Beta Iota: We agree. Martin, Stephen E. Arnold, and Robert Steele are in the process of assembling the 12 Apostles for Web 3.0.

Robert Steele: Reflections on Cyber-Integrity & Why We Suck At It . . .

Autonomous Internet, IO Impotency

Cyber-Integrity – Is Bad Code the Horseshoe Nail that Costs Us Everything?

CIA created the Artificial Intelligence Staff (OIT/AIS) around me in 1986. I quickly learned that all code lacked documentation and was full of holes. By 1994 I was the invited opening speaker for Hackers on Planet Earth, invited to join the Silicon Valley Hackers / THINK conference of which Larry Page is among the more notorious members, and I wrote the below warning letter to the White House that was ignored.

1994 Sounding the Alarm on Cyber-Security

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Reflections on Cyber-Integrity & Why We Suck At It . . .”

Penguin: Web 3.0 Decentralized Internet Advances

#OSE Open Source Everything, Autonomous Internet

Kiwi software company paves the way for mainstream decentralisation

Sylo, the software development company, has launched Oya, which has been described as ‘the beginning of mainstream decentralisation’. Oya is a complete reimagining of their backend architecture that leads the way for mainstream decentralisation.

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