“The righter we do the wrong thing, the wronger we become. When we make a mistake doing the wrong thing and correct it, we become wronger. When we make a mistake doing the right thing and correct it, we become righter. Therefore, it is better to do the right thing wrong than the wrong thing right. This is very significant because almost every problem confronting our society is a result of the fact that our public policy makers are doing the wrong things and are trying to do them righter.” (Ackoff 2004)
Phi Beta Iota: The report is severely deficient in failing to distinguish between Sunnis and Shi'ites, and between Catholics, conventional Protestants, and the Evangelicals and Pentecostalists. That kind of granularity is essential to religious intelligence and counterintelligence.
This is an updated variation of the chart first created for the Marine Corps Intelligence Center in 1990, as published in 1991 MCG Intelligence Support for Expeditionary Planners. This is a de facto top-level definition of a global intelligence cloud such as we should be building, perhaps in conjunction with NATO/PfP and the United Nations. Bearing in mind our view that all intelligence reform must be job and revenue neutral to assure Congressional support, this is how we would spend the money now being spent on the top secret cloud that will inevitably fail — Trailblazer on steroids, the ultimate crash and burn.
InfoSphere CEO Comment: We never talk OSINT.. We talk sourceinfo. This is the Infosphere view. Remote is what you do with your computer, phone, etc. Direct is when you collect on the ground. Covert or Overt – lines are blurry. The output is intelligence, the input data and information. We argue that HUMOSI SIGOSI, etc is a part of the game. When you monitor social media like twitter or look into a facebook profile with a fake profile –is that HUM or SIG or OSI Intelligence is defined by the output…
Phi Beta Iota: We include HUMINT-acquired handheld video and photos in IMINT, and we have a separate SIGINT column for HUMINT-enabled close-in SIGINT, but generally speaking this slide and the capabilities it represents are “best in class.” InfoSphere remains the only commercial intelligence provider we take seriously. Everyone else has practical, intellectual, ethical, or financial issues that in our view render less than full scope. Most governments do not do OSINT, they have an open source dribble into all-source that is largely comatose, the Nordics and Netherlands being the exceptions. InfoSphere SA is also the only company we have found that is truly able, over the past decade, to BOTH place people on the ground in any of 33 languages within 24-72 hours AND properly process, visualize, and deliver the full spectrum collection in an actionable form understandable by a consumer with a three color mind-set (red, yellow, green). See Also: SiloBreaker (search and analytics tool both free and for fee).
InfoSphere CEO Comment: We never talk OSINT.. We talk sourceinfo. This is the Infosphere view. Remote is what you do with your computer, phone, etc. Direct is when you collect on the ground. Covert or Overt – lines are blurry. The output is intelligence, the input data and information. We argue that HUMOSI SIGOSI, etc is a part of the game. When you monitor social media like twitter or look into a facebook profile with a fake profile –is that HUM or SIG or OSI Intelligence is defined by the output…
Phi Beta Iota: We include HUMINT-acquired handheld video and photos in IMINT, and we have a separate SIGINT column for HUMINT-enabled close-in SIGINT, but generally speaking this slide and the capabilities it represents are “best in class.” InfoSphere remains the only commercial intelligence provider we take seriously. Everyone else has practical, intellectual, ethical, or financial issues that in our view render less than full scope. Most governments do not do OSINT, they have an open source dribble into all-source that is largely comatose, the Nordics and Netherlands being the exceptions. InfoSphere SA is also the only company we have found that is truly able, over the past decade, to BOTH place people on the ground in any of 33 languages within 24-72 hours AND properly process, visualize, and deliver the full spectrum collection in an actionable form understandable by a consumer with a three color mind-set (red, yellow, green). See Also: SiloBreaker (search and analytics tool both free and for fee).