DefDog: A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids’ Face Masks to A Lab for Analysis. Here’s What They Found

Cultural Intelligence

A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids' Face Masks to A Lab for Analysis. Here's What They Found
We've been told for well over a year that widespread forced public masking should be implemented because, even if only moderately to slightly to negligibly effective at curbing the spread of COVID-19, there are ZERO drawbacks.

“What's the harm?” they ask.

“It's only a minor inconvenience,” they bleat.

“If it saves ONE LIFE, it's worth it!” they implore.

Meanwhile, we on Team Reality have not only continued to point to real-world data that shows masking to be entirely ineffective, we've also maintained that forced public masking, especially long-term, has negative societal and even health ramifications that the powers-that-be are all-too-happy to ignore in subservience to their newfound face mask god.

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Robert Steele: Is FBI Corrupt, Stupid, or Part of the Wrestlemania Drama?

Cultural Intelligence

I am going toward Location 23 to meet the Sheriff of Tulare County, Califonia with Sheriff Richard Mack and others in five wrapped coaches headed toward Mount Rushmore.

The below headline, while alarming, is bullshit.  The FBI is both corrupt and stupid at some levels, but totally honest and patriotic at other levels.

I believe Q and the Anons have been a vital part of the Truth & Reconciliation movement of which I am one of handful of national leaders, and it has not escaped FBI notice that not only am I totally pure and surrounded by elected sheriffs, but we have every email, every cell call, and every banking transaction for every FBI person guilty of treason and crimes against the public interest.  These individuals know they are vulnerable to absolute take-down, so my “appraisal” of this story is that it is manufactured drama.

FBI Triggers Politically Strategic Narrative, Highlights Q-Anon Supporters as Domestic Violent Extremists.

Thirteen of the 20 states that demanded the Supreme Court declare the 2020 election fraudulent are now implementing total audits.  Thockmorton vs US will prevail — outcomes based on fraud are overturned once the fraud is revealed.

Non-violence, truth, and reconciliation rooted in truth, are the order of the day.

Matthew Ehret: How the Trilateral Commission Drove a Bankers’ Coup Across America

Cultural Intelligence

How the Trilateral Commission Drove a Bankers’ Coup Across America

Until recently I had believed like many that Jimmy Carter is not your typical politician. Standing out from the vast array of sellouts and establishment hacks, the ex-President has often appeared as the lone voice of reason in America’s establishment calling out the injustices of American military, the wrongs of the Zionist lobby and the self-destructive nature of the American oligarchy. Surely a man who speaks so candidly cannot be bad.

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Rebecca Campbell: The state of American friendship: Change, challenges, and loss

Cultural Intelligence

The state of American friendship: Change, challenges, and loss

Coming out of a once-in-a-generation global pandemic, Americans appear more attuned than ever to the importance of friendship. However, despite renewed interest in the topic of friendship in popular culture and the news media, signs suggest that the role of friends in American social life is experiencing a pronounced decline. The May 2021 American Perspectives Survey finds that Americans report having fewer close friendships than they once did, talking to their friends less often, and relying less on their friends for personal support.

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Edwin Jewett: This Is Not Going to End Well for Jews, Blacks and Whites – We Are on a Collision Course

Cultural Intelligence

This Is Not Going to End Well for Jews, Blacks and Whites – We Are on a Collision Course
Excerpt #1: “Governor Abbott calls it “reprehensible and disastrous” about how Texas is being “overrun.” These powerful Jewish groups are pressuring the Biden syndicate to make it easier to obtain US citizenship for immigrants that only encourages more immigration. Why do Jewish organizations have such powerful influence over law in America regarding immigration and America's borders when Texas is being overwhelmed and is unable to handle the immigration? These Jewish organizations that are extremely well funded and organized obviously want Americans on their knees. “
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Martin Geddes: Five lessons for the effective digital soldier

Cultural Intelligence

Five lessons for the effective digital soldier

I have volunteered to do a short recorded talk for the ARISE USA Tour that is hitting 84 locations across 50 states. I will share the video with you as soon as it is available. In the meantime, I have turned my notes into a readable script to pass around.

I am a notorious commentator on current events. My roles including being a writer and artist, as well as a recovering computer scientist. I am based in London, am British by birth and passport, but American by outlook and former residency (in Kansas City). My book Open Your Mind To Change, with a foreword by Robert David Steele, was recently censored by Amazon. You can still download a free copy at

This is not a talk about my book. It is also not a talk about Q, Donald Trump, The Great Awakening, the Second American Revolution, psychopaths, propaganda, censorship, big tech, the future of the Internet — or many other topics that I could speak on.

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