ZeroHedge: “It Won’t Be Pleasant” – Mark Carney Unveils Dystopian New World To Combat Climate ‘Crisis’

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

“It Won't Be Pleasant” – Mark Carney Unveils Dystopian New World To Combat Climate ‘Crisis'

In his book Value(s): Building a Better World for All, Mark Carney, former governor both of the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England, claims that western society is morally rotten, and that it has been corrupted by capitalism, which has brought about a “climate emergency” that threatens life on earth. This, he claims, requires rigid controls on personal freedom, industry and corporate funding.

Carney’s views are important because he is UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance. He is also an adviser both to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on the next big climate conference in Glasgow, and to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

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Tom Atlee: Shrinking our Big Selves: Part 3 of “A big-picture, co-intelligent vision of diversity and privilege”

Cultural Intelligence
Tom Atlee

Shrinking our Big Selves: Part 3 of “A big-picture, co-intelligent vision of diversity and privilege”
We are each a complex, networked, ecosystem of a self, not just a role or a race or a name. Beneath our shallow surface appearance and social identities we are full, whole people, deeply alive and potent with meaning and gifts for ourselves, those around us and our communities and societies. One of the greatest tragedies of the identity-based inequities and shallowness of our cultures is the vast loss of that richness. What is it about? Where does it come from?

Racism and sexism and classism and all our other oppressive systems are structural, and they are also visual. We sort and treat bodies based on how we’ve been trained to mis-see them. How do we render that mis-seeing visible? How do we correct and repair our limited vision? How do we remember that we’re often misunderstanding one another, often mistaken?

Sarah Sentilles, author of “Stranger Care: A Memoir of Loving What Isn’t Ours” in her “How to Write Love” interview

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Matthew Ehret: Leibniz Discourse on Metaphysics- An introduction

Cultural Intelligence

Leibniz Discourse on Metaphysics- An introduction
In this first of a series of readings of the Discourses on Metaphysics (1686), we are introduced to the deeper philosophical and scientific ideas of the polymath genius Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716).

This reading will cover the essential concepts of the nature of the Creator and creation of which we as self-conscious reasoners are integral components possessing both “subjective” as well as “objective” characteristics. Leibniz’s essential principles of reasoning are laid down in these first 12 of 36 sections of his famous essay- including how the mind can conceptualize the most reasonable idea of a Creator which must be both maximally good, reasonable and perfectible rather than simply all powerful as his enemies among the British Royal Society maintain.

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Alexandra Bruce: CCP Set-Up By The Globalists, SWQW Plot Foiled?

Cultural Intelligence

CCP Set-Up By The Globalists, SWQW Plot Foiled?
As you know by now, I am a huge fan of Clif High’s and I just find him incredibly amusing and brilliant. His latest video is over an hour long but nine minutes in, for about 10 minutes, he gives what is, in my opinion the best explanation of what’s going on with China and their alleged role in the release of the COVID virus that I’ve heard yet and the upshot of what’s happening is potentially great news for the whole world.

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Matthew Ehret: The Dynamics of Nuclear Power Diplomacy: Russia and China vs the Neo-Malthusians

02 China, 06 Russia, Cultural Intelligence

The Dynamics of Nuclear Power Diplomacy: Russia and China vs the Neo-Malthusians
In 1975, an influential Stanford biologist named Paul Ehrlich (author of the misanthropic 1968 Population Bomb) stated that in his view, humanity’s acquisition of fusion energy was “like giving an idiot child a machine gun”. Ehrlich’s views were shared widely among the peculiar sect of scientists that have come to be known as neo-Malthusians. Ehrlich’s colleague John Holdren ruminated that developing fusion energy was undesirable because it would only enflame mankind’s “pave the planet and paint it green’ mentality.”
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