Stephen E. Arnold: Technology Can Be Toxic

#OSE Open Source Everything, 03 Economy, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

Technology Takes It on the Nose

I put this passage in my quote file:

But technology is not neutral – and neither is code nor numbers. There are human, subjective judgments lurking behind the apparent objectivity offered by algorithms and the “user-friendly” operating systems. These technologies perform almost magically, while at the same time enabling all sorts of organizations to easily collect information about us, something that makes it that bit easier to usher in new forms of surveillance and control.

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OPEN POWER: Electoral Reform Act of 2015 – Open Source Activist Tool-Kit

Access, Cultural Intelligence
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

For those who want to avoid demonizing the two-party tyranny, whose “leaders” may wish  to consider participation in a national conversation, we have created a new cover for the book, and made it the default cover at Amazon. The original cover is below the fold and the book available with that cover on request (epub or emob or doc).

Continue reading “OPEN POWER: Electoral Reform Act of 2015 – Open Source Activist Tool-Kit”

Michael Kearns: Bernie Sanders & Cornell West

Cultural Intelligence
Michael S. Kearns
Michael S. Kearns

Bernie Sanders & Cornel West: The radical alliance that could change everything


“I love brother Bernie,” West replied. “He tells the truth about Wall Street. He really does.” But West, who feels burned and spurned by President Obama, his team, and the Democratic Party generally, then turned immediately to the specter of Hillary Clinton. Sanders, though an independent socialist in the Senate, is running for the Democratic Party ticket, and West worried aloud about submission to the party hegemon, Secretary Clinton. “I’m not a Hillary Clinton fan at all,” he said resolutely. “So if he uses his power to hand it over to her I’ll be deeply upset.” Read full article.

SchwartzReport: Pope & Tom Engelhardt Agree: Weapons Kill

Cultural Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Pope says weapons manufacturers can't call themselves Christian

In U.S., Domestic Terror, Cop Killings and Violent Gun Deaths with Suicides, Dwarf Anything “Jihadis” Have Produced

Phi Beta Iota: It's not about guns. It's about culture and the lack of honest governance. We are “out of control” and the population is going crazy with pain from cognitive dissonance.