Interview – Robert J. Bunker

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Interview – Robert J. Bunker

Prospective students must really do their due diligence before getting into a security studies program.  Quite a few of the older generation of security scholars simply do not understand the 21st century threat environment. Additionally, if the program you are looking at is in a department where only formal international political economy (IPE) is taught—that is, such studies never touch upon the informal or illicit economies—your education is going to be imperiled by delusional thinking. To have an actual impact upon the future, young security scholars need to learn about the world that actually exists today and not the one that existed decades ago.

Berto Jongman: The Facts on Global Migration

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Global Migration? Actually, The World Is Staying Home


The number of migrating migrants between 2010 and 2015 (36.5 million) is more than 8 million fewer than in the previous five-year period (45 million). The global migration rate reached an historic peak between 1990 and 1995, a time when the Iron Curtain had fallen, Afghanistan had descended into civil war and there was genocide in Rwanda. The 0.5 percent figure for the last five years is the smallest value since 1960.   . . .   What distinguishes a refugee from a migrant? One of them migrates voluntarily, while the other is forced to do so. However, the UN migration figures toss both categories into the same pot.

May East: Ghost Towns + Displaced Person + Ecological & Open Source Solutions = Resurrection

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
May East
May East

Sustainable Approaches and Interventions for the Conservation of Abandoned Towns in Southern Italy

Defined as towns or villages that have been abandoned by their original inhabitants, so-called ‘ghost towns’ are a sub-product of the opposing forces of excessive urban growth on the one hand and decline of rural regions on the other.

PDF (58 Pages): May East_Compressed-GT_Research

Sicilia Integra: Socio-Economic Integration of Migrants through Organic Products

A potential solution to the current migration crises can be found in the ecovillages, permaculture and transition communities’ social movements. In many places these community-led strategies have shown how rural villages and urban communities can re-establish sustainable livelihoods combining local traditional knowledge with appropriate technologies.

PDF (7 Pages): May_East_Sicilia_Integra_8Jan2016_EN