Sepp Hasslberger: Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life

Earth Intelligence
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

Water is so important yet so little researched … but here is some progress and it promises to revolutionise our understanding of biological processes. 

The book, Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life builds on the central role of water for biology. It provides evidence that much of the water in the cell is very near to one or another hydrophilic surface and therefore ordered, and that cell behavior can be properly understood only if this feature is properly taken into account.

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Amazon Page

It goes on to show that seemingly complex behaviors of the cell can be understood in simple terms once a proper understanding of water and surfaces is achieved.

While the book is an award-winning best seller, it has aroused controversy because it questions some long-held basic features of cell function such as membrane channels and pumps. This steps on many scientific toes.

Many others have praised the insights obtained from building on a foundation of first principles (see book website above). One prominent reviewer from Harvard University opines that the book is “a 305 page preface to the future of cell biology.”

Elisabet Sahtouris: Cybernetics as Necrophilia

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Elisabet Sahtouris
Elisabet Sahtouris

Cybernetics is an advanced form of mechanism, but it is still mechanism, which I consider a poor metaphor for any living system—a metaphor missing the system’s very essence. Guattari argues that cybernetic machinery, which introduced the capacity to collect all manner of feedback to increase control, has, with the advent of the Internet, made elite control more insidious and effective than ever. He is right that elites have learned to control society by deliberately working to construct society itself as machinery and teaching people to see it as machinery, because machinery can be controlled. That does not mean that psyche, society, and nature are machinery. All living beings can read feedback from their environments!

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