John Maguire: Hacking Cold Fusion

05 Energy, Earth Intelligence
John Maguire
John Maguire

Hacking Cold Fusion

Cold Fusion (aka Low Energy Nuclear Reactions or LENR) is on the precipice of altering the landscape of energy-production, and along with it, the cultural landscape as well. Four separate companies: Industrial Heat LLC, Brillouin Energy Corporation, Defkalion Green Technologies, and Blacklight Power all appear to be on the threshold of breaking into the marketplace with cheap, environmentally safe, and virtually limitless energy technologies. Beyond energy, LENR-based processes hold promise for both the desalination of drinking water and the remediation of nuclear waste. My presentation will focus not only on the technical applications of the CF-LENR phenomenon, but also the sociological and historical implications as well.

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Berto Jongman: Atrocities Etcetera – Continued Focus on Ukraine

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

CHINA: COIN strategy in Tibet and Xinjiang

CITIZEN SCIENCE: charts horse chestnut tree pest spread

CRIME: JP Morgan

CRIME: Meltdown: The men who crashed the world

DESIGN: award for Dutch innovation: the wingman

FUKUSHIMA: new secrecy legislation

INNOVATION: radiation detector in smartphone

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Berto Jongman: Martin Rees on Study of Existential Risk

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Interview: The overlooked risks that threaten our world

Lord Martin Rees, Fellow of Trinity College and Emeritus Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics at the University of Cambridge, is interviewed about catastrophic risks.

You recently set up the Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, along with philosopher Huw Price and Skype co-founder Jaan Tallinn. What do you hope to achieve?
We believe governments and corporations are in denial about new risks that have only a small likelihood of occurring, but which would be truly catastrophic if they did occur. We’d like people to spend more time and energy thinking about these risks, rather than focusing mainly on risks that are more familiar but relatively limited, like train crashes.

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Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Earth-Honoring Faith

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Michael Lerner
Michael Lerner

Earth-Honoring Faith

by Larry Rasmussen

Tikkun, January 10, 2014

The crisis we face is not environmental, it’s civilizational.

There are far too many people consuming far too many resources for the planet to bear. As the climate changes, how do we undertake the hard transition from an industrial-technological civilization to an ecological-technological civilization? However we do it, it’s a slog.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

We may be on the cusp of a new geological age. The Holocene has hosted all human civilizations to date. Its salient mark has been a relatively stable climate. Now the Holocene is exiting, and ahead lies the “Anthropocene,” an age of human-induced change in core planetary processes, climate volatility, and uncertainty. The changes reach from the polar ice caps to the ocean depths, touching every ocean, landmass, and layer of the atmosphere. Human civilization is due for a rude awakening to the reality that the basic unit of human survival is not human society—it is the entire planet. We may soon be forced as a species to accept a truth that cosmologist Thomas Berry asserted: because “planetary health is primary” and “human well-being is derivative,” the first law of economics is the preservation of nature’s economy.

The impending ecological catastrophe is perhaps the greatest challenge humans have ever faced. Where are the leaders and where is the renewable moral-spiritual energy for tasks that will span generations? Might religious environmentalism contribute something essential?

Read full article.

Berto Jongman: Atrocties Etcetera – Continued Focus on Ukraine 1.5

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

AFGHANISTAN: US Scholar Dies in Kabul Restaurant Attack

CLIMATE: 3 6 9 world – Davos hits panic button wimps out with carbon tax

CULTURE: US Foreign Policy Idealists versus Realists

CYBER CRIME: DarkList Aims To Be The ‘Yelp' Of Silk-Road-Style Drug Dealers

CYBER DIPLOMACY: Sweden's early adopter foreign minister on crafting digital diplomacy

CYBER: France's Cyber Defense Capabilities

CYBER: impact of hyperconnectivity (Davos, YouTube)

CYBER: Russia's Digital Surveillance State

EARTH: The Circular Economy (VIDEO)

FUKUSHIMA: an overview and call for meaningful (which is to say, honest and informed) international collaboration

HACKING: Facebook paying bug bounty

INSTABILITY: Foucault’s Boomerang: the New Military Urbanism

INSTABILITY: US Arms Shi'ite Iraq

INTERNET THEOLOGY: Pope says God, not Al Gore, created Internet

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Atrocties Etcetera – Continued Focus on Ukraine 1.5”

Berto Jongman: Atrocities, Cyber, War… Ukraine Round-Up 1.8

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman


CHINA: response to ICIJ report on China's elite offshore accounts

CYBER: concept of the deep state

CYBER: P.W Singer on protection


ENVIRONMENT: dangerous pipelines (time line of oil spills)

EPIDEMICS: bird flu cases on the rise

UKRAINE - Central Kiev Today
UKRAINE – Central Kiev Today — Round-Up Below

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Atrocities, Cyber, War… Ukraine Round-Up 1.8”