Tom Atlee: The rapid growth of serious responses to climate disruption

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Tom Atlee
Tom Atlee

The rapid growth of serious responses to climate disruption

A LOT of developments are emerging around the climate issue – a nonviolent insurgency, offensive and defensive fossil fuel divestment efforts, insurance industry responses, new forms of agriculture, dark humor, a cross country march, municipal preparedness, US administration actions, and more.  I also encourage action on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, currently being negotiated in secret and very dangerous to democracy and climate action.

Dear friends,

There’s so much change happening around the climate issue, in the climate movement, and in various sectors affected by climate impacts that we could describe it all as an awakening, a radicalization, perhaps even a speeding up of evolution. The several articles I’ve included below are only a sampling of what’s going on – and here’s a quick summary of what they see and say:

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Rickard Falkvinge: Kopimism Primer

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Rickard Falkvinge
Rickard Falkvinge

Good Midwinter Solstice! With A Kopimist Gospel

Kopimism – Christian Engström:  Today is the midwinter solstice, and a fitting day to present a Kopimist Gospel. Kopimism is a new religion for atheists, agnostics, and believers in other religions who want a new perspective on their current faith.

Kopimism takes its starting point in the evolution of life on Earth, and embraces the scientific description of the world. But science alone does not tell the whole truth about this fantastic universe. Kopimism adds meaning and purpose to the scientific description of evolution, while still respecting science.

Continue reading “Rickard Falkvinge: Kopimism Primer”

SchwartzReport: Truths That Matter

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Here we see the rancid truth behind the climate denier movement which has put the Earth at risk. This is what the Rightists on the Supreme Court have in large measure made possible through Citizens United. A tiny group of Rightists are literally putting the planet at risk to assure their profits. It is completely insane. Click through to see the chart that helps explain this story.

Not Just the Koch Brothers: New Study Reveals Funders Behind the Climate Change Denial Effort

Can you imagine anything more clearly demonstrating the primacy in the Illness Profit System of profit over wellness? We don't even demand that the advertising promoting drugs be honest and accurate.

A Majority of TV Drug Ads Make Misleading or False Claims, Study Finds
SUSAN PERRY – Minnpost

Our social processes are not working. In every way that we can measure we, as a country, are not well and we are getting worse because so many of us are poor, aging, out-of-work, or all three. Wellness is not a national priority, and this is the result. We have to change.

Living Sick and Dying Young in Rich America
LEAH SOTTILE – The Atlantic

I think this is very good news.

Pierre Omidyar Plunges First $50m Into Media Venture With Glenn Greenwald
ED PILKINGTON – The Guardian (U.K.)

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

CYBER: Cyber's Most Wanted

DEFENSE: Iranian Mass Production of Coastal Submarines

OPEN: interview With FBI Profiler of Psychopaths, Mary Ellen O'Toole

OPEN: Italy Rise of Pitchfork Populists (USA Next?)

OPEN: Lies About Singularity

OPEN:  Missing Links: Access to Papers' Raw Data Plummets by 17% Each Year

OPEN: NSA Mismanagement, NSA Retaliation Against Whistleblowers (Kirb Wiebe)

THREAT: Banking Crisis — Another Elite Debacle

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff”

Jean Lievens: 7 Ways Big Data Could Revolutionize Our Lives by 2020 — Comment by Robert Steele

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, IO Impotency
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

7 Ways Big Data Could Revolutionize Our Lives by 2020


1. Websites and Apps will be safer.

2. Everyone could have access to higher education.

3. Landing a job will become easier.

4. Roads will be safer.

5. We'll predict the future for smarter business.

6. We'll predict the weather and protect the environment

7. Healthcare will be more efficient, effective & customized

View infographic

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SchwartzReport: Truths That Matter

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

We have endless money to spend on war, but no funds to assure that our food is safe. Yet another example of how in the U.S. profit for corporate interests trumps wellness.

Almost All Raw Chicken in U.S. Contains ‘Worrisome Amounts of Bacteria’

Agence France-Presse (France)/The Raw Story

This has just come out concerning Fukushima. The source is Arnie Gunderson who, to my mind, is one of the few reliable sources on what is going on. As time passes it becomes ever clearer that the story is more horrible than we thought, and the implications for! Japanese national wellness are profound. What it is going to mean for the U.S. is still murky, although the story I did the other day about children in California suggests we are going to have problems. Click through to see the video, which adds depth to the story.

Gundersen: All of Japan is contaminated, gov’t covering up enormous exposures to public; Epidemic is just beginning — Evacuee: We are in fact dying in Fukushima; What happened to us will soon affect all Japanese people (VIDEOS)

Although more polemic than I would like this piece about the South is based solidly on facts. I am publishing it to illustrate how the Schism Trend is gathering steam and splitting the country.

Southern Republicans Drag the Rest of the Nation Down by Doing the Kochs’ Bidding
R. Muse – Politicususa

Here is yet another facet of the Schism Trend. The Red value states in the American South are more violent, more obese, sicker, more Fundamentalist, and on and on. And, now, it is clear that part of the problem is that they are also the least educated. States like Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana are increasingly more like developing countries than American states. It is one of the country! 9;s greatest tragedies, and one of the least discussed. This Atlantic piece is heartbreaking, and this trend just becomes more intense year by year. Click through to see the very important maps that illustrate this story.

The South Is America's High-School Dropout Factory

Chuck Spinney: Climate Warming Bottom Line + Global Warming @ PBI

Earth Intelligence
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

The central fact is that there exists great uncertainty about the long-term dynamics of the global climate system.  This fact, however, is not reflected in the partisan positions of either side in the highly-charged political debate over climate change.

The recently published IPCC report (AR5) raised a host of questions relating to how AR5 dealt with changes in the its ECS/TSR estimates from those of preceding report (AR4).  Attached below is a very informative, critical analysis of these questions.  It was prepared by Nic Lewis, an independent climate scientist, based in the UK, and a well known but respected skeptic of the consensus position.

The Lewis analysis was prepared in response to questions asked by  UK House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee.  While a Parliamentary request is a political request, Lewis's response in grounded in science and is apolitical.  His reasoning and assumptions of open to critical examination by anyone who chooses to do so.  If Lewis is correct, his is a devastating critique of the state of art understanding of sensitivity question — which I reiterate, is at the heart of the entire debate of mankind's effect on the global climate.

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