John Petersen’s Mind-Expanding Reading List

Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Worth A Look

These are the books behind John Petersen's epic half day lecture series that we have received permission to post here  — three videos.  The videos are a master class with integrated graphics — we recommend the videos be watched before deciding to purchase any particular books. He is the most unconventional and expansive among perhaps 200 serious futurists alive.

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Yoda: Parallel Universes? Multiverse?

Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence

Physicist Says Parallel Universes Definitely Exist and We May Soon Explore Them

Aaron Kesel in The Mind Unleashed

The common sense rules of physics that rule our lives everyday make sense to us but at very minuscule scales common sense breaks down altogether. At the quantum level, the empty vacuum of space is filled with tiny particles constantly popping in and out of existence.

Worth a Look: Rebel Gene Secret Space and the Future of Humanity by Kerry Cassidy

Extraterrestial Intelligence, Worth A Look
Amazon Page

This book is the story of my journey down the rabbit hole to discover the truth behind the Secret Space Program, ETs, UFOs and conspiracies of all kinds. To research this book, I interviewed about 1000 individuals worldwide from high level military (both retired and current), intelligence agents from the United States and other countries, law enforcement, physicists, scientists of many kinds, former employees of NSA, NASA, CIA, NRO, and aerospace corporations, abductees, contactees, self-proclaimed super soldiers (enhanced physically and/or mentally and psychically), and the list goes on. Some have gone on the record and been filmed in person and via Youtube and others have stayed in deep black and are known as secret sources. This book is a distillation of the information provided in those interviews combined with my own experiences and investigations as an investigative journalist and interviewer. It is an exploration into the nature of consciousness and the future of humanity.