Robert Steele: COVID-19 Truthers Suffer Defamation & Tortious Interference by the “Center for Countering Digital Hate” Front for Deep State Sponsorhip and Powered by the Anti-Defamation League

Cultural Intelligence

Disinformation Dozen: Two-Thirds of Online Anti-Vaccine Content Originates From Top 12 Anti-Vax Leaders

I have been avoiding the COVID-19 Truth battle because of my singular focus on #UNRIG Election Reform; Wall Street Treason & Crime; and Satanic Pedophilia with Government Complicity, but the recent direct attack by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), against twelve specific individuals, some of whom I know, is beyond the pale.

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Caitlin Johnstone: Intelligence Sources Say Biggest Threat To U.S. Is Actually U.S. Policy

02 China, Cultural Intelligence

Intelligence Sources Say Biggest Threat To U.S. Is Actually U.S. Policy
by Caitlin Johnstone
A new “threat assessment” by the US intelligence cartel has named China the number one threat to the United States today, followed by Russia, Iran, and North Korea. This has of course led to blaring news headlines like “China poses the biggest threat to the U.S., a new intelligence report says” from The New York Times, instead of something a little less propagandistic like “Here's who the CIA wants you to be afraid of in order to advance its geostrategic power agendas.”

Read her full article HERE

Matt Ehret: Planck vs Russell: The Battle Over Causality in the 20th Century

Cultural Intelligence

Many people are unaware that two separate and incompatible currents of science which have shaped western civilization.  Because of this ignorance, a terrible inability to assess how and why an oligarchy has managed to take over controlling positions of power across western governments since the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963. This veil of ignorance imposed through western educational institutions prevents many people from recognizing the interconnected system of geopolitical, economic, cultural rules preventing society from achieving the creativity driven future of constant progress which humanity has proven itself capable.

Go to full article HERE