Wayne Jett: TRUMPING THE FED What Will It Mean?

03 Economy, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence

TRUMPING THE FED: What Will It Mean?

A new report has been posted on the site of Classical Capital discussing President Trump's appointment of all but one of the Federal Reserve Board's governors as he proceeds towards what has been called a currency reset, which almost surely means ending the Federal Reserve itself. The Fed's fiat currency is being rejected by much of the world, including BRICS and more than 100 other allied nations. If the U. S. Military is no longer willing to enforce adherence to the dollar, as appears to be the case under President Trump, then America itself must seize the opportunity to return to sound money for the benefit of its people. This is a major element of the Trump Plan, and here we discuss some of the basic considerations of what to expect in coming weeks and months.