Henry Makow: The Virus is Communism; COVID is the Excuse

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The Virus is Communism; COVID is the Excuse

We usually think of the New World Order as something coming in the future.

In fact, a veiled Masonic Jewish banker dictatorship has existed for some time.

The Illuminati Jewish bankers took over the levers of power while maintaining the appearance of democracy and freedom. They did this by duping Jews and Masons, and the population in general with liberalism, socialism, Zionism, and communism.

Read full article from 2009 predicting what is now called the Great Reset.

Phi Beta Iota: Only President Donald Trump stands between the Deep State's achieving this, and our coming together to refuse and  destroy their plans for us.

Mongoose: Is Chabad Really Being Open About Conquering the World?

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader writes in:

In the very last two minutes of this video given below, of a worldwide Chabad online virtual event, the Jewish singer sings how they are conquering nation after nation. What does he mean ?

LIVE: Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries

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Ed Jewett: US Military Raided CIA Server Farm in Germany

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence

Unraveling the Deep State Coup

The courageous, brilliant duo of Sidney Powell and Congressman Louis Gohmert stirred up a bit of a storm in the last few days with this tweet

“… I [Pat Lang] am reliably informed that a unit under the command of USEUCOM (i.e., United States European Command) did in fact conduct an operation to take control of computer servers. But these servers belong to the CIA, not Dominion or Sctyl. The U.S. military has full authority to do this because any CIA activity in the European theater is being conducted using military cover. In other words, CIA officers would be identified to the German government (and anyone else asking) as military employees or consultants.

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Worth a Look: Ezra Cohen-Watnick Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security

Peace Intelligence

Mr. Ezra Cohen-Watnick became  Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security on Nov. 10, 2020.  He had served as the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict. In that role, he was responsible for all policy formulation and oversight for Department of Defense counterterrorism, special operations, counternarcotics, detainee affairs, peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, and stability operations. Separately, Mr. Cohen provided oversight of all organize, train, and equip activities for United States Special Operations Command, and ensured alignment of a $14 billion budget with the National Security and National Defense strategies.

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