Wayne Jett: Globalism vs. Nationalism

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Survival of America as an independent nation depends upon our success in waging and ultimately winning our ongoing war against the globalist cabal. The globalists disclosed in 1901 their plan to destroy our nation, our prosperity and our people, except only those they wished to keep as their slaves.

President Trump is leading Americans and others committed to human
progress in a well-planned counter-assault against the globalists, who
have many operatives in America and worldwide. Here is a brief
assessment of the current status of the conflict.


Mongoose: British Intelligence Coup Against Trump . . .

Commercial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Breaking: British Intelligence And The Coup Against Trump; How Much Will Be Revealed?

Sunday, August 9th, a man by the name of Steven Schrage came forward in an appearance on Maria Bartiromo’s widely watched Sunday Morning Futures, and in two features on Matt Taibbi’s Blog (1 / 2). He shined a bright light on four British spies central to the coup d’etat against President Donald Trump: Sir Richard Dearlove, Sir Christopher Andrew, Christopher Steele, and Stefan Halper, a/k/a the Walrus.

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Gareth Porter: Withdraw From The Middle East Now!

04 Inter-State Conflict, Peace Intelligence
Gareth Porter

Don’t delay military withdrawal from the Middle East 

. . . there is no realistic scenario in which a regional or extra-regional state could successfully use military force to dominate the region over the coming decade . . .

. . . any U.S. hesitation about withdrawing from its bases in the Gulf states would prolong a serious problem in policy toward the region: U.S. interests in maintaining its access to bases has given host countries political leverage to leave them free to pursue policies that were clearly contrary to fundamental U.S. interests in regard to both suppression of popular demands for democratic rights and support for terrorism.

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Martin Geddes: The Wars of Perception of Heaven and Hell

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The Wars of Perception of Heaven and Hell

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.” — C.S. Lewis

If evil genius is a thing, how can we know when we have been deceived? For surely no matter how careful we are, there will always be a Machiavellian scheme that leverages greater cunning and longer experience at subversion than we can comprehend. This is no theoretical question, for our world is presently riven by violently opposing paradigms of what is righteous.

Continue reading “Martin Geddes: The Wars of Perception of Heaven and Hell”