Robert Steele: On The Record On Palestine

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
I recently declined an invitation to travel to Iran for a conference honoring the martyrdom of General Qasem Soleimani.  I declined because what Iran has planned is the usual mob fest that will issue stupid declarations.  My fellow CIA operations officer Phil Giraldi has participated in such events and to the enormous credit of whoever runs our borders these days, has not been hassled upon his return. Here is what I  told my Iranian contacts would be worth doing.

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Wayne Jett: GLOBALIST PLAYBOOK: GREAT DEPRESSION II This Time America’s President Is On Our Side!

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence


This Time America’s President Is On Our Side!

Under relentless attack by the most effective American president in history, the globalist cabal's Deep State operatives in the U. S. and in China desperately launched a bioweapon against America and the world. The bioweapon has proved far less deadly than the cabal anticipated, but succeeded in doing great damage to the American economy and to other nations.The current challenges to economic prosperity and political stability are significant, but indications are hopeful that the centuries long domination of humanity by the globalist cabal is about to be broken and dismantled.

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