Yoda: Capitalism seen doing ‘more harm than good’ in global survey

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Capitalism seen doing ‘more harm than good' in global survey

This year was the first time the “Edelman Trust Barometer”, which for two decades has polled tens of thousands of people on their trust in core institutions, sought to understand how capitalism itself was viewed.

On a national level, lack of trust in capitalism was highest in Thailand and India on 75% and 74% respectively, with France close behind on 69%. Majorities prevailed in other Asian, European, Gulf, African and Latin American states.

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A global trust crisis

Pepe Escobar Et Al: Persian Peril — Israel (Haifa) and Dubai (UAE) Are Next Targets if USA Does Not Withdraw and Israel Continues Kurdish Armed Insurrection

Peace Intelligence
Pepe Escobar

Persian Peril: The Assassination of Qasem Soleimani and the Prospect of War with Iran

“And after what my source had sent me on Wednesday morning…I was pretty confident that they would have to back off because the reasons were overwhelming in terms of Iranian military power… In fact there was an indirect, a direct-indirect message that if Iranian soil was hit the retortion would it be against Haifa in Israel, and Dubai in The Emirates.” – Pepe Escobar (from this week’s interview)

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Gordon Duff: Russell Bentley on Iranian Crash Discrepancies

Peace Intelligence

TEXAS: Iranian Flight Crash Facts Not Adding Up

Russell Bentley

One thing I am certain of, with good reason – the “accident” story is bullshit, no matter who is telling it, and no matter why. They may have a good reason for telling it, but it’s a lie.

If the IFF interrogator didn’t work, the radar return profile would have told 100% it was a 737 and nothing else. If the radar didn’t work, the EOTS with a single glance, would have shown a 737 and not a cruise missile or F-35.

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Berto Jongman: Ingo Piepers on 2020 Warning Systemic War Looms?

Peace Intelligence
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Social integration and expansion in anarchistic systems: how connectivity and our urge to survive determine and shape the war dynamics and development of the system In this study, complexity and network science are applied to the dynamics and development of the (International) System. The study provides fundamentally new insights in the workings of the System. This study shows that the System periodically becomes critical, and produces ‘systemic wars'. The typical dynamics that are revealed in this study are a consequence of physical laws that apply to the System. Systemic wars are instrumental in rebalancing the System, and in periodically producing ‘upgraded' international orders, that allow for further growth and development. The patterns that can be observed in the war dynamics of the System, make it possible to predict these dynamics and the System's direction of development. Data-analysis shows that the System will again become critical around 2020. This study shows that intensifying war dynamics pose an existential threat to humankind: (systemic) wars will cause increasing damage and suffering and will put our climate system at (additional) risk. Fundamental change is a prerequisite for our survival.

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