2020 Easter Sunday USA – Reflect!

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Idiocy

Do we want to restore God's place in our country? Do we want religions that honor God & country or just fatten up fake prosperity gospel con artists, priests, rabbis, and Zionist agents? Can we make a new start with God?


Review: The Christian Gospel for Americans – A Systematic Theology by David Ray Griffin

Yoda: Ascension Christianity — Next Big Thing?

Richard Wolff: Viruses like Covid-19 are a part of nature, but Capitalism-2020 must be destroyed

03 Economy, Civil Society, Commerce, Ethics, Government

Viruses like Covid-19 are a part of nature, but Capitalism-2020 must be destroyed

As economies reel from the meltdown triggered by the novel coronavirus pandemic, governments scramble to build the system back up. But it’s the system that brought about the fall, and if we keep reviving it, will do so again.

Continue reading “Richard Wolff: Viruses like Covid-19 are a part of nature, but Capitalism-2020 must be destroyed”

Dr. Ron Paul: Resist the Lockdown — Virtual Illegal Imprisonment or “House Arrest” Is Unconstitutional and UnAmerican

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Ron Paul

Ron Paul: Resistance Building To Coronavirus ‘House Arrest’ Orders…It’s About Time!

Americans have suffered under the boot of tyranny long enough. Resistance to the house arrest orders and pushback against the bans from making a living are finally surfacing in large numbers. Have people finally realized they are not slaves to be controlled by a few power-hungry politicians?

Continue reading “Dr. Ron Paul: Resist the Lockdown — Virtual Illegal Imprisonment or “House Arrest” Is Unconstitutional and UnAmerican”