Def Dog: Make Sheriffs Great Again

11 Society, Civil Society, Government

America is teetering toward one-party rule in Washington, D.C. Waiting for a Republican Congress isn’t a real strategy. Instead, the right must focus locally, principally on the county sheriff with Sheriff Bill Waybourn as a role model, to revive America.

It should be obvious by now, but too many conservatives and Republicans still do not fully get how stacked the cards are against them. The left may still be reeling from President Donald Trump’s impact in 2016, but for the most part, they haven’t lost any ground.

Read full post HERE

Mongoose: Etymology of the word “risk”

Corruption, Government

Alert reader sends in:

The English language boasts more vocabulary than any other language in the world and yet, it is the most poorly understood and used one.  Of course it needs MORE words since it has been reduced to one or two meanings and completely did away with all the many nuances of every word it inherited from Greek, Latin, French, German and other languages!
The English language has been reduced to 1st degree, immediate, materialistic and emotional language befitting… mercantilism and excluding all other meanings including philosophical, spiritual and inherited cultural contexts and realities! (More beneath fold)

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Mongoose: Secrecy means possible corruption in multi billion dollar USA COVID contracts

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

US covid contract details are a “trade secret”—according to the contractors

Companies taking millions of dollars from the US government to fight the pandemic are using exemptions to hide travel expenses, labor costs—and even why they’re qualified for the job.

As the US government pumps billions of dollars into projects aimed at curbing the pandemic, from vaccine development to genomic sequencing, officials claim they are being transparent about how money is being spent. But government contractors have a lot of leeway to hide things, as shown by a recent records request filed by MIT Technology Review.

Read full article HERE

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – April 2021 #2,,“Almost Totally F..ked Now!”

Corruption, Government

We are almost totally F..ked now. Sorry about the language, I just get a tad upset at the willful destruction of our country by administrative morons.

So in the infinite wisdom of the Alzheimer Patient in the White House he just signed an Executive Order to assemble the most incompetent and inefficient team possible to identify the dangers in America’s supply chain. Yes, the same Supply Chain Collapse I have been writing about for 3 years. (Read more beneath fold)

Continue reading “J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – April 2021 #2,,“Almost Totally F..ked Now!””

James Fetzer: Edward Hendrie, The COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturers are Violating Federal Law by Concealing the Known Dangers from Vaccine Recipients

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

Dr. Joseph Mercola, DO, FACN, wrote an article on or about November 12, 2020, which was prior to the FDA Emergency Use Authorization of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines. But what Dr. Mercola wrote at that time is as topical today as it was when he wrote it. He explained how the (then proposed) COVID-19 vaccines were being administered to trial subjects without informing them of the known and very real danger of a debilitating and potentially deadly side effect called “antibody-dependent enhancement” (ADE). (Read more beneath fold)

Continue reading “James Fetzer: Edward Hendrie, The COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturers are Violating Federal Law by Concealing the Known Dangers from Vaccine Recipients”


Corruption, Government

The Illuminati, Black Nobility, Khazarian Mafia, British Crown, NWO Globalist Cabal, Central Banking Cartel, World Economic Forum, Deep State(s), Zio-Anglo-American Axis,  All Collude to Foist the Fifth Reich on the Entire Planetary Civilization.

A Thoroughly Tyrannical and Totalitarian Technocracy is
Being Stealthily Shoehorned into Place Around the Globe
by The Powers That Be (see the list above)

Continue reading “State of the Nation: THE POWER ELITE HAVE GONE COMPLETELY MAD!”

Mongoose: Call to Action! 2021 — Operation Clean Sweep

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government
Inspire as many people as possible to review this message!

When officers of government violate the law, exceed the authority provided through the Constitution or fail to follow their primary responsibilities to the people, it is necessary for the people to hold those officers accountable. However, the people generally seem to have no idea how they can possibly accomplish that necessary task to keep government operating within the limitations prescribed by the Constitution.

See full post HERE