Matt Ehret: The Art of Political Lying (or the 1688 Origins of the British Deep State)

Corruption, Government

DO NOT MISS THE #UNRIG TRUTH TOUR!  15 May to 6 September — EPIC!

With idle tales this fills our empty ears;
The next reports what from the first he hears;
The rolling fictions grow in strength and size,
Each author adding to the former lies.
Here vain credulity, with new desires,
Leads us astray, and groundless joy inspires;
The dubious whispers, tumults fresh designed,
And chilling fears astound the anxious mind.

-Ovid’s Metamorphosis

While the foundations of the USA tremble under the force of unprecedented vote fraud, color revolutionary operations, and the danger of a renewed fascist takeover of the Wall Street-Big Tech-NSA/FBI/CIA combine, certain facts must be separated from fiction.

See full article HERE

Def Dog: April Fool’s Day in the Biden-Harris Era

Corruption, Government

DO NOT  MISS THE #UNRIG TRUTH TOUR!  15 May to 6 September — EPIC!


We have a President with dementia, an ex-call girl for Vice President, a transvestite overseeing Health and Human Services, a President's son who is a crackhead and human-trafficking pedophile who money-laundered millions from other countries sharing half with his dad, the same crackhead's buddy is now in the Department of Justice.

Continue reading “Def Dog: April Fool's Day in the Biden-Harris Era”

Mongoose: Johns Hopkins doctor defies Fauci, says ‘herd immunity is likely close at hand’

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

DO NOT  MISS THE #UNRIG TRUTH TOUR!  15 May to 6 September — EPIC!

Dr. Marty Makary has criticized Fauci’s broad influence in forwarding a ‘vaccination-only path' to herd immunity, saying it is not ‘healthy for a small group of people to be making all the public health recommendations. It's good to have multiple voices.'

March 31, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – A Johns Hopkins School of Medicine professor has strongly criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Joe Biden’s chief medical advisor, for denying that the U.S. is approaching herd immunity from the coronavirus.

In an article published in the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Marty Makary called into question Fauci’s claim that “70% to 85% of the population” must be vaccinated against COVID-19 before herd immunity will be reached, positing that Fauci “inexplicably ignores natural immunity.”

Read full article HERE